VI - Found 3 (Finale)

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Both the men stood up, Rain adjusting his coat before he adjusted Sky's boutonnière. "Are you ready?" Nuea asked, some crackling coming through his walkie-talkie. Both of them nodded, and Nuea ushered Rain to the door. "On the count of 3.. 2.. 1!" Nuea said, as the doors opened and Rain walked through them, head held high, a small bouquet in his hand as well. He could feel innumerable looks levelled at him, but that didn't faze him at all. For him, today was Sky's day, and that was all there was to it. But he didn't miss the happiest smile he received from P'Pai, his eyes sparkling with delight, and P'Phayu's smile, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears. Three very important people in his life were very happy about him being there, and he couldn't be bothered lesser by the silly gasps and whispers that resounded in the air. He smiled back, his eyes lighting up in happiness, understanding that home was a not a brick and mortar structure; it was a place that was filled with people whom you loved. Their presence turned a house into a home.

Rain stepped up and hugged Pai. "He had 4 packets of chocolate and half a can of Red Bull. Good luck for tonight!" he whispered into Pai's ears, making the older man throw back his head and laugh. Rain stepped away with a smirk and Pai looked towards the door from where Sky had just started walking in. Rain looked up and caught Phayu's eye, the pure, unadulterated love in them, making him catch his breath. He quickly looked away. This was not the time to get lusty thoughts about his Phi. There was no way he would spoil this for Sky and P'Pai. But he also knew that the time had come to talk to Phayu, and he would do it, come hell or highwater.

The ceremony was beautiful and went off without a hitch. "How did you control Sky?" Uncle Khem jokingly asked Pai, as Sky flitted away. "Forewarned is forearmed Phaw," Pai said, winking at Rain, making him laugh, as he watched Sky with the corner of his eye. He quickly made his way to his friend when he saw that Sky had stopped near the dessert table. "Umm.. no?" Rain said, as he grinned at Sky. Sky pouted. "One?" he whined. "Maybe not!" Rain laughed again. "I don't think you should stop him from eating what he wants. It's his wedding, not yours. Don't be a spoilsport, and leave the way you came." Rain stiffened at the voice, as he turned around and faced Som and Ple after so many years. There was lots he could have said, and he opened his mouth to do just that, when Sky beat him to it.

"The only reason you two fucking assholes are here is because I didn't want you to feel left out when the whole group came. If you both think that you can come to my wedding, and insult my best friend, you have another thought coming. You should be ashamed of yourselves, throwing yourself at P'Phayu knowing he was taken, slandering Rain left, right and centre and calling him a slut when that title should have belonged to you. You both are the worst specimen of humans to exist, and I have no idea why I thought throwing in my lot with you was a good plan; but maybe I was a bigger asshole than you at that point. And now you stand here, mouthing off about my best friend, when you are not even good enough to lick his fucking boots. So I suggest that you depart as soon as you can!" Sky's outburst didn't go unnoticed, as everyone stared at him in open-mouthed shock. As Ple and Som turned to leave, faces blazing red, Sky stopped them. "Leave the gifts you brought. I will need them when I want to throw things around," he said. Rain snickered and Pai looked like he was falling in love with Sky all over again.

Rain caught Phayu's eye again, and the older gestured with his head. Rain understood. Phayu wanted to talk to him, and honestly? Rain wanted that conversation to be over as soon as possible. He motioned towards his parents and this time it was Phayu's turn to nod. After telling his parents, Rain quickly stepped out, and saw Phayu waiting for him. "I would like to take you somewhere more private, my house that is, if it okay with you. I don't want to talk about this in an open place," Phayu said, sounding hesitant. "I agree Phi. Let's go," Rain said, settling in comfortably in Phayu's Range Rover. The familiarity of the vehicle and the person driving him cocooned him in such warmth that it took him a moment to realise that they were not going to the house his Phi used to share with P'Fah.

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