IX - Whispered Promises of Love - 1

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A/N : Another 'What if?'

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A/N : Another 'What if?'.. I plan to do one every now and then. What if Rain had walked away, without waiting for Phayu at the end of Episode 4? And what if Sky had known everything and become Rain's shield? 

"Why are you so worried Rain?" Sky asked, looking at his best friend. "Do you think I will be able to do well? I almost missed that last project deadline, remember?" Rain asked, frowning. "Rain, one almost missed deadline doesn't make you a forever loser baby," Sky said, rubbing his hand on Rain's head. "Why don't you tell me what is really bothering you? You have not been yourself for a while now Rainy," he said, starting to feel worried. Rain and Sky had been friends for a really long time. Despite the difficult circumstances in which they grew up, Rain had always been his brightest star, his beacon of happiness and light, always, smiling and cheerful, making the life of everyone around him pleasant and beautiful.

But since about the past month, Rain had dulled. Something had happened and Sky was unable to figure out what was happening. Rain had gone into a shell since the codeline dinner. At first, Sky had thought it was something related to studies, some kind of stress. But they were all in the same programme. There would be nothing different about it. Whatever pressure Rain was under, it was not related to their course. Then P'Phayu, a revered senior, had come to the Uni and spoken to Rain awhile. When Sky had found him after, Rain had looked even more different. He looked broken. But Rain had refused to say anything. Rain had spiralled, and a totally abnormal reaction at an almost missed deadline had scared the hell out of Sky. He had asked Rain multiple times, but Rain had just waved it away.

Now this. Rain's project was brilliant, his creativity was no joke. But here he was, panicking terribly, when it was not even necessary. "Rain, do you want to talk about it? I don't know what happened, but I know it has something to do with P'Phayu," Sky said. Rain looked up, alarm running through his face. "What do you mean?" his voice a pitch higher. Sky was almost sure of what was happening, but he did not dare call out Rain on anything. Rain had a tendency to withdraw into himself, and that was what Sky was worried about. But something had to be done, and he knew who exactly could help. There was no way Sky would give up on his sunshine boy, and he was sure their friends would not either!

"So what's up with you baby?" Ple asked, as she slid into the empty place beside Rain. "Nothing lovey," Rain said, smiling softly. All of them were soft for Ple, and she held all their hearts. "Don't lie Khun Varain. We can all see that something is troubling you," Por said, standing in front of Rain's chair. The five of them were the only ones in the class, and Rain was surrounded. He looked at all his friends, and then glared at Sky. "What? I had to tell them. You have been sulking for a while now. Either you tell us, or we get it out of you," Sky said. "Rain, you know you can tell us whatever it is," Sig said. "I want to.." he whispered. "Then tell us," Ple said. "You may not believe me. No one will believe me," Rain said, and everyone was shocked at the despair in his voice.

"Rain, anything you tell us, we will believe you. That's a promise!" Sky said, holding on to Rain's hands. "You will not, I am one hundred percent sure," Rain said, shaking his head, his eyes filling with tears. His four friends were alarmed. What was happening? How serious was this issue? "Rain, I swear, whether anyone believes you or not, I will. I have known you practically all my life. You will not lie to me," Sky said. "Even if it is about P'Phayu?" Rain asked, his voice dropping to a whisper. "What? P'Phayu? What about him?" Ple asked, looking surprised. Rain looked at her. It was no secret among them that Ple liked P'Phayu. Which was why Rain was scared to say anything. He was mortally afraid that they would break off all ties with him.

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