VII - Where there is a Storm, there is Rain

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The incessant ringing of the phone jarred Phayu out of a deep sleep

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The incessant ringing of the phone jarred Phayu out of a deep sleep. He immediately looked at the boy sleeping beside him, just to see if he was waking up. Thankfully, he was still deeply under. "I am not surprised," thought Phayu. "I exhausted him last night," he smiled to himself.

He reached out for the phone next to him, quite surprised to realise that it was Rain's phone and not his that rang. He checked the number and realised it was Sky. He picked it up.

"Nong Sky?" he asked.
"P'Phayu, swasdi khap. Is Rain around?"
"Rain is here, but he is sleeping. Can I take a message for him?"
"Yes please. Please tell him the internship lists are out. He can come in and check them."
"Nong Sky, we are not in Bangkok right now."
"I know Phi... Whenever you come back. Anyway, the internships start only next month."
"OK... I will let him know. See you soon"

Phayu replaced the phone and looked back at the boy sleeping in his arms. Even after almost 4 years of being together, it seemed like a miracle to Phayu, Rain being in his life. He always thanked Rain's burst tyre and the heavens in bringing his love into his life.

There was nothing they didn't know about each other. But still they loved each other, flaws and all. That was his miracle. He had never thought that it would be this tiny, foul-mouthed, slip of a boy who would steal his heart and replace it with his.

And he knew that before leaving Korat, he wanted to take things to the next level with Rain. Which is why he had planned a grand surprise for the following night. "I better get up and go see how the plan is progressing before Rain gets up," Phayu thought.

He quickly showered and went downstairs. His mom was in the kitchen and it was filled with the redolent smells of her delicious breakfast.
"Ah, Phayu, you are here.. Where is Rain?," his dad asked, looking up from his paper.
"Still sleeping phaw," Phayu smiled at his dad.
"Don't ask questions for which the answers are scary phaw," Saifha started laughing. His girlfriend of the past two years, Pam, hit him on his arm with the spatula she was holding.
"Stop it, otherwise no breakfast for you", she said.
"Thanks Pam. Your boyfriend never fails to irritate me. I am glad I have someone on my side," Phayu laughed as Saifah sulked. " By the way, is everything on schedule for tomorrow night?" he asked Saifha
"All set bro. I am going to pick them up. And take them directly to the hotel. I confirmed with others. Everyone will be here by tonight or tomorrow morning at the earliest."

Phayu heaved a sigh of relief. He was just about to answer, when he heard Rain's footsteps. He shushed everyone. "Let's not say anything anymore," he cautioned.


"Swasdi Khap phaw, Swasdi Khap mae," Rain said, a big smile on his face. "Good morning P'Saifha and P'Pam," he added, as he kissed Phayu on the cheek and slipped into his usual seat.
"Swasdi Rain, what plans for today?" Phayu's dad asked.
"I don't know phaw... Whatever P'Phayu says," Rain's enthusiasm got everyone smiling.
"Have breakfast first," Phayu's mom said. "Then you can plan the day," she added.
"It smells yum mae. As usual. I love coming to Korat just to eat the delicious food you make," Rain's pretty smile made her smile more.

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