VIII - Abstinence

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Phayu sighed

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Phayu sighed. Probably for the millionth time, finally attracting Saifah's attention. His younger twin stared at him. "What's the matter Phi Chaai?" he asked.

"I am tired," Phayu said, in an uncharacteristically confiding tone. Usually, Phayu was not the person to actually talk about what he felt. But he was fed up of the way his life was going.
"What do you mean?" Saifah asked, surprised at his brother. Phayu's extreme reluctance to talk about himself was one of the main reasons why he was never in a relationship. He was all about one night stands, and for him, that was all that he was good for.

"I am tired of all this. I feel bored and out of my mind. Pai seems to be strutting along, and doing completely okay. But I feel like I am searching for this elusive thread that seems to be floating just out of reach," he said, staring into the distance.

"My dear brother, you need a break," Saifah said, laughing at him. "What does that even mean?" Phayu was irritated now. "What I mean is that, you have been going out every night, partying with Pai, circuit testing P'Pakin's bikes, and then the garage is where your parade of partners are given a routine that I think even they are bored of. Phayu, Dad and Pa must be hating it. You are the elder son. I am sure they want you to settle down, and you show no signs of slowing down," Saifah said.

"So, what do you think I should do? Take a vow of abstinence?" Phayu asked, sarcastically. "Actually, that's a wonderful plan," a new voice spoke up, and Phayu turned around to see his fathers standing at the entrance of the garage. "Dad! Pa!" Saifah ran towards Vegas and Pete and hugged them. "When did you guys come back from France? How about Dad Kinn and Papa Porche?" he asked, as Phayu walked towards them, and hugged them turn by turn as well. "Got back early this morning," Vegas said, looking at Phayu, and then at Saifah. "So? What is wrong with you?" Pete asked. "Phi chai en a marre! (Elder brother is fed up!)" he said, laughing. "Maybe a vow of abstinence is not such a bad idea Phayu," Pete said.

"I think your Pa is right. You have been living in excess for a while. Time for you to de-stress and detox," Vegas said. Phayu stared at his fathers. It's probably the first time that he had ever heard his fathers give advice of a personal nature to their sons after they had actually grown up. 'Maybe they are right,' he thought to himself. "Well, then, that's what I am going to do. 30 days and nights of clean living," he vowed, as his fathers and brother laughed and Saifah even clapped his hand. "Awesome! I hope I will see you both at home for dinner tonight," Pete said, a warning note in his tone. "And what about Pai?" Phayu asked, asking about his best friend and older cousin. "I am sure Kinn and Porche will be there itself, meeting him. As it is, Kinn wanted to discuss the new land we purchased in Lyon," Vegas said.

"You got the land? That's amazing!" Phayu said, super excited. He had been waiting for this deal come through and had already started to design the resort that they wanted to build. He had wanted to have the complete French influence, and although he had never really worked on something like that, he knew he could do it. "No point in getting excited Phayu," Vegas said. "Why Dad?" he asked, looking crestfallen. "Kinn and I have decided to go with a couple of people who are actually great at French architectural design. Your old professor gave us their details. Apparently, they are young, but since they were born and brought up in France, their knowledge of the region is spectacular," Vegas said. "Yes, so that is what Kinn has gone to discuss with Pai. We will see you all at dinner tonight," Pete said, stroking Phayu's back. He could sense his son's disappointment, but Vegas and he both agreed that this was the best solution.

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