II - The Lucky Charm (7. Meeting the Family)

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"Are you serious? Family meet?" Sig asked, as they all met the next morning in Sky and Rain's dorm room. Rain had recounted the whole history of whatever Phayu had said, and the other four had been shocked that Phayu seemed so ready to take the step. "I feel optimistic about it Rain. I know it may seem too soon, but somehow, it seems right," Ple said. Rain said nothing, although he looked thoughtful. "Ple is right. It may seem overwhelming, but from everything you have said so far, it seems entirely possible that he is dead serious with you. Instead of asking you if he could pursue you, he directly wanted a relationship. And where people don't meet their partners' families for years, he wanted you to meet his after the 2nd date," Sky said. "And moreover Rain, the way he stood up for you? We haven't had any trouble from P'Som either. P'Phayu seems like a decent and genuine guy," Por said.

"Rain, we asked you to give him a chance. But honestly, if at any point, you felt uncomfortable, then I think you should just say no. It's your right to," Sky said. Rain hugged Sky from the side, and the others also crowded in, knowing all about Sky's past. "He hasn't done anything remotely like that Sky, I promise. And you can be rest assured that I will speak up. At least, I will tell you guys. Even if no one believes me, I know you all will," Rain said confidently, wanting to assuage Sky's fears. Phayu had always behaved perfectly with him. And had been super conscious with consent. Rain did not want to ever give the impression otherwise. But he also knew that if that changed, even if the whole world turned against him, his friends would be there.

"So, I say yes?" he asked. "If you think it is right, then yes," Por said, as the others nodded. "I want to try. His family sounds so amazing. I want to meet them, even if it's just once," Rain smiled. "Okay then. Go ahead. When has he asked you go with him?" Sig asked. "He said tomorrow, but then he left the choice to me. He said that I can let him know whenever I am ready," Rain said. "Okay, that makes me actually feel better," Ple said. The other nodded. "Jing! He is letting Rain take the lead here. I am impressed," Sky said. "Fine Rain. We trust you, and your judgement. Take your call, and we are with you," Sig said. "We don't have classes this Saturday, right?" Rain asked. "Nope, why?" Por asked. "Then I will message him that I want to meet them on Friday. I don't know how much time it will take, but I guess it will be fine," Rain said. The others nodded, excited on behalf of Rain, and hoping that everything would go well for their best friend.

Rain stared at the house in front of him. He had thought he was rich, but Phayu seemed like he could buy Rain's dad several times over and not touch one-twentieth of what he had. What intrigued him was the intense security at the gates and the amount of guards all over the place. Before he could seriously consider what was happening, he saw Phayu striding towards the gate. "He is my guest," he barked, before the security could search Rain's bag or body. No one could touch his boy, no matter what the reason. And even if Rain was not officially his boy yet, and even though he was not sure if Rain would ever say yes to him, he knew in his heart of hearts, that Rain was forever going to be his. "Hello Rain, and welcome to my home," Phayu said, spreading his arms, gesturing towards his house.

"You live here Phi?" Rain asked, looking around wide-eyed. He came from wealth, but this was insane! "Yes. Did you like the house?" Phayu asked, smiling happily. "Well, yes. At least how much I have seen so far," Rain said. "Don't worry. I will give you the grand tour!" Phayu said, leading Rain towards where his family was seated. Originally, he had planned to start small, that maybe Rain would just meet Vegas and Pete, along with Saifah and Chai. But the whole family had done an absolute protest. They wouldn't hear of it. So he had given in, but made them all promise that they would not overwhelm his boy. Which is why, they were all gathered in the formal living space, because formal meant that they would be on their best behaviour, and pretend they were normal, not the calamitous chaos they could prove to be most times. Phayu always felt that he had the most insane family ever, and since he loved them so much, he must have lost his own sanity somewhere along the way. He really hoped that Rain would like his madcaps, and he prayed to all the (mafia) Gods above that his family would love Rain (although he had no doubt of that!).

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