II - The Lucky Charm (1. Heartaches are goin' to the inside)

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A/N : Gouti wanted a mascot Rain

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A/N : Gouti wanted a mascot Rain... I tried, but obviously, I have a tendency to mess up stuff? 

Sky smiled as Rain bounced with nervous energy. "Are you sure this is a good idea Ai'Sky? Will P'Stop like it?" he asked, looking down at the cute chick costume that he had bought just for this occasion. It was his 3 months anniversary with his almost boyfriend, but with between classes and projects, Rain had had no time to even think about P'Stop. So he had decided that a surprise was in order. He had sent two tickets to the amusement park as a gift. He had already made arrangements to make sure that P'Stop would come, because, he had said he would join him directly there. He knew that his plan was not completely fool-proof, but he was ready to wing it, if it meant getting some time to spend with P'Stop. Rain had also decided to propose.

"So what have you planned?" Sky asked the next morning, as he drove Rain to the amusement park. "Well, I am going to be near the Valentine's Day attraction that the park has put up. And I will wear the costume, and surprise him!" Rain said, excitedly. Sky smiled indulgently. It surprised Sky, and all their friends, as to how Rain could always be this happy. They knew his family situation. His dad was an extremely busy businessman and his mom was either socialising or travelling, leaving Rain to be brought up by nannies and au pairs. He never lacked for anything materialistic, but he was desperately hungry for love. Their group of friends knew that, and understood him well, trying to keep him happy and cheerful, but there was always something lacking.

Stop had come as a surprise to their whole group. Rain had met Stop at a family gathering where he had come with his uncle. Both the boys had been bored, and had found good company in each other. They had found some common friends and from the very next day itself, Stop had flooded Rain with small messages, flowers and his favourite chocolates. He had even come once or twice to the Uni to pick Rain up. Rain had basked in the attention and while the group had been a little wary, they had not been surprised when Rain had started sort of dating his P'Stop.

But it had been a critical time for their studies, so while Rain had been a little upset that he didn't have much time for Stop, he was too concerned with his studies to pay any attention to the world around him. Sky and he had always been top students, and nothing and no one was allowed to change that. Sometimes Stop's incessant whining about how Rain had no time for him got on all their nerves, including Rain's, but he had convinced Stop that he would try to work something out soon. It was this practical tone in their relationship that sort of set off warning bells in the group, but since Rain seemed calm, they continued to let things run their course.

When Rain had come up with a surprise plan for Valentine's Day, his friends had all chipped in with ideas and encouraged him. They knew that Rain always had a fear of losing people in his life, so they wanted him to have a wonderful day without any other thoughts, except having fun with his boyfriend. It was Ple who had come up with the chick mascot idea, and Rain had loved it! So they had gone shopping and picked up a nice gift, and on Por's suggestion, they had gone to the park and spoken to the authorities. And they had agreed to allow Rain to actually hold some balloons and make it look all authentic.

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