Chapter 4: Into the system

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I just stared at the portal for a long time, we all did.

"So, should we just go in, because that's two of our friends kidnapped?" I asked.

"Maybe we could get some more info, like food or medical supplies, then go in," Jeremiah suggested. 

"Sounds good," I said, " Let's go",


When I woke up, I started looking around. It looked a lot like one of those "Computer hacking" backgrounds kids would use to try and look cool. The floors and walls, or I thought they were walls, were pure black with green lines making an all black chess board on the floor, and some weird temple looking art all along the walls.

"Hello," I whispered looking around while walking.

"Hi," A cheerful, childish voice responded.

"Where am I," I asked the voice.

"Oh! This is the system!" She told me, happily.

"The system?" I repeated.

"Yup, and you're special guest!" She said, jumping down from something I couldn't see, and I finally was able to see her.

She had pale, no, paper white skin, and hair that looked liked fire, and a cape that moved like fire. Her sclera's were bright green, and her irises were blue and purple with pink glitchy lines all through it. Along with that, she had pure black fire on her legs, with a red glow, and she had two pale-yellow tentacles sprouting out of her back. Then she slowly walked up to me and placed her hand on my cheek.

"your friends are going to be just fine while you are here," She told me.

"Who are you?" I asked nervously.

"Your new friend, Glitch!" She said before waving her hand. Then, my eyes started to feel heavy, and I passed out.


My eyes shot open and I looked around frantically. All I saw  was an outline off a man. Straight black body, with a red outline for his hair, a white outline for most of this body, and a green outline for his cloths. His eyes were pure red, with glitchy white lines coursing all throughout his eyes. He also had a green cloth wrapped around his head.  He was sitting on a black marble throne with a green outline. 

He also had a staff. The base was red wood, as if it was stained with blood. Then in the center was a deep blue gem with a bright red light, coursing through it.

Then I realized, I was chained up. As I struggled against the chains, he put his hand up.

"Don't, It won't work," He said calmly.

"Who are you?" I yelled at him.

He stared at hand and sighed before answering, "Error...". 

"What do you want with me?" I asked him, sternly.

"You're useful for our mission," Error said, regaining his posture, "Well of course, all of you are useful, but I only need you and the smart boy for now,"

"What mission?" I questioned, "And what do you mean 'for now'"?

"None of your business," He answered, looking away from me, "Anyway, I'll be back don't have too much fun without me," He smiled before glitching away.


We all  stood in front of the portal, just waiting. I'm pretty sure we all felt nervous about this, because we could have all the time in the world to prepare, but we would never be fully prepared for this. This was a place that none of us have ever seen, let alone been to, and our smartest person was gone. So it was just Me, Leah and Jeremiah, not sure what to do.

I walked up to the portal, and reached my hand out, similar to Jennings, but nothing happened. No harsh glow from the portal, no tentacle pulling me in, no horrified screams, nothing.

"Weird, it pulled Jennings right in," I said.

"Maybe we have to walk right through," Jeremiah suggested.

"Let's see," I said, and with that. I walked in.

I looked around at the green and black maze around me and regrated instantly. However when Jeremiah and Leah joined me, I felt better.

"So what now?" Leah asked.

"I-  I don't know," I answered, "We have no leads."

"Maybe could look around to try and find someone or something," Jeremiah suggested.

"Sounds smart, we should also try to keep in contact, or in range of each other," I said.

"Sounds smart, let's do it!" Jeremiah said, and with that, we set off.

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