Chapter 7: Unneeded.

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They kept walking for miles it felt like, and the passage of time was hard to keep track of. They saw many more of those shrines as they walked but nothing ever happened. They did keep engraving things into the shrines to keep track of where they were. After what felt like forever, they found another shrine, in which Kalley immediately plopped down next to it, exhausted. 

"I'm so tired," She said, pulling a granola bar out of her bag.

"We all are," Jeremiah told her.

"I wish this was easier," I said.

"Me too," Jeremiah pulled out his knife and started to inscribe the same symbol they've all been using to mark the shrines, a muffin with fire around it.

"We can't keep walking around in circles," Kalley said, " We need a plan".

"But how? We know nothing about this place," Jeremiah pointed out.

"I wish I knew," Kalley mumbled, slouching down.

"I think I can help!" A mangled glitchy voice said.

I turned around, as Kalley pulled out a metal battle. When I finally saw who spoke I was at a loss for words. The girl looked like Lorelai, with her same hair, shirt, and leather jacket. But some things were off. She had a cape made of fire, with the tips of her hair being a mix of pink and orange. Lastly her eyes, the whites of her eyes were green, and her irises were bright blue with pink glitchy lines coursing through them.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I know where Jennings is!" She told us.

"How?" Kalley stood up, with her bat hidden behind the shrine.

"Glitch told me!" Lorelai 2.0 told us joyfully.

"Then take us to him," I  told Lorelai 2.0.

"I can take the others, but I don't need you!" She smiled.

"What...?" I said

"You're not needed!" Lorelai 2.0 told me.

"Well if Leah can't go, I won't go either!" Kalley announced.

"You probably aren't even telling the truth," Jeremiah accused.

"Oh trust me, I am," She said, "And it's not like Leah is helping you guys anyway".

"Yes she is!" Kalley snapped.

"Oh! someone's protective," Lorelai 2.0 pointed out.

"So what if I am?" Kalley asked

All Lorelai 2.0 did was laugh and walk off.

Kalley turned back to me and put her hand on my shoulder, "Don't listen to a word she said, you're super helpful and are great for emotional support. You aren't useless".

But I felt  like she was only saying this to make me feel better, I haven't even helped mark the shrines. "Thanks Kalley," I muttered to Kalley.

She simply smiles at me before putting her bat back

"What if she was telling the truth?" Jeremiah blurted out.

"What?" Kalley asked.

"What if that  girl truly did know where Jennings was?" He repeated.

"I wasn't worth leaving Leah behind," Kalley told him.

"Fine," Jeremiah said looking away.

After a while Kalley yawned, and stretched out, "I'm getting tired," She said.

"We should take a nap then," Jeremiah said.

"Fine then," She says, laying her head on her bag, "Night," she said, and quickly passed out.

Soon Jeremiah followed suit. I stayed up a bit later just thinking. Am I useless? I asked my self, well I better get to sleep, I thought, and fell asleep quickly.

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