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Hello everyone. I hope you all enjoyed this story. If you want to make fanart of it you can tag my TikTok which Fantasma_Art. I would like to thank those who helped me with this. Mainly @Fireflame0990 (Who Leah is based off of) and @The_Stars690 (Who Lorelai and Starfire are based off of, she also owns the character of Aella) 

-Plans going forward-

I want to make a book 2 but I don't know what it would be about, so if you have any ideas. pls message me

-Power summaries-

Kalley/Undead: The protector of the AUs and is meant to keep them safe. Due to this she has a plethora of weapons and magical abilities to choose from

Jennings/Progaming: Is the leader and the smartest of the Progaming editors. He's job it to keep the AUs up to date and healthy.

Lorelai/Starfire: She is the caretaker of the AUs. Her job is to keep them in order and make sure they're going on the right path. 

Leah/???: Her powers are unknown but they will be awoken soon.


Now that I'm done with the story, would y'all be interested in extra content within the same time line, such as Jennings' journal or an ask blog?

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