Chapter 15: Puppets

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I sat and listened to Glitch for what felt like days. It got to the point where I think she forgot I was there, so I  started to work on other things. Mainly how to leave. I've had lots of time to work on a plan, the hard part was making sure Glitch didn't find it. I used the glove she gave me to teleport a new notebook and write out my plans. One hard thing about this is having her leave me alone for longer than 30 seconds. Another problem was Error. He still had that stupid staff, and would never let me out without a fight, and I didn't want to fight him.

I looked up from the notebook to see Glitch staring at the wall with, a pair of glitchy wings. They seemed to mix with her tentacles, which didn't make me feel better. She was ranting about something, but I couldn't understand her. I could tell she was still speaking English, but her voice was glitching out. So I would hear the start of a word, then the end of another word. She then looked over at me with a pissed off  look.

"W311," She asked.

"Um, what did you say?" I asked.

"UGH! Y0u'r3 jUst 1!k3 3rr0r, y0u d0n'T 1!st3n," She shouted. She then stormed out, down the halls.

I just stared at the door with confusion.  But good for me, I doubted she'd be coming back anytime soon. I continued to write until I came up with a solid plan.

1. wait until Glitch got anger again and spilled more info, should be easy enough, she gets anger easily.

2. use the glove and teleport me something that can help me fight off  Error, this would be harder since I barely know anything about him.

3.Get out of this cage(I'll just use my Error fighting weapon to move the bars) and find Kalley, I probably can use the painting passages I saw her use.

4. update the group on more of the info I have that I didn't write down, easiest of all of the steps, if I can get to it

5. go from there, we can work on this more once I find Kalley and Leah.

I closed the notebook and was ready to put the plan in action. By waiting for Glitch to return. Luckily she was back from her angry walk through the halls and had gladly calmed down. She sat on her bed, with her wings now missing. I heard to start to say something, but cut herself off before she could finish. She instead turned away from me, and laid on her bed angrily.

"You good?" I asked, trying to get her to spill some info.

"Yeah, just Error," She answered.

"What did he do this time," I asked.

"He just, well you humans wouldn't get it," She tried dodging the question.

"Well I actually have an average IQ of 125, so I tend to be on the smarter side of humans," I said, confidently.

"Well Error wants to somehow go to Earth, something our kind can't do. He's dreamed of going to earth since we were young, and he let that corrupt him... and me," Glitch said. I noticed tears forming in her eyes.

"So what does that have to with me and my friends?" I questioned.

"well.. he wants to use you... as capsules to get to Earth," Glitch chocked out.

I stared at her in silence for a while, when she finally said something, "I don't want it to come to this but, I'll give you chance, good luck," She then walked out.

I stared at the door for a hot moment, before snapping back to reality.  I couldn't afford to waste anytime. I teleported myself a crowbar. It wasn't much but I could move the bars, and got me out. I then slipped out of the cage and dashed to the other side of the room, and hide behind the painting. Inside I wandered around the endless maze, until I bumped into someone. Not knowing who it was, I pointed my crowbar at them. 

"What are you doing Jen Jen," A familiar voice asked.

I looked up and noticed it was Kalley and Leah, "Um, escaping from Glitch," I answered.

"Are you possessed?" Leah asked.

"No?" I said.

Kalley stared deeply into my eyes before calming down a bit, "Okay, got any new info?" she asked, tossing me back my journal.

"I know Error's plan," I said.

"Then tell us," Kalley demanded.

I then explained what I had heard from Glitch, and what Glitch had told me about their kind. Kalley nodded and looked at Leah, "What do you think?"

"I think we should save Lorelai first, then Jeremiah, then get out of here," Leah said.

"Yeah, sounds like a good start, we just need a more in depth plan," Kalley said.

"I can do that," I said.

"Great, now follow me and I'll take you to me and Leah's planning area," I ordered, and she lead us through the maze.

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