Chapter 21: Lab break in

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(Time skip to them over Error's lab)

We looked down at Error, Glitch, and Glory all standing in the lab. Error seemed ripe with joy while Glitch stood behind him, solemnly. Meanwhile Glory had a look of childlike wonder in her eyes, like she wasn't helping a psychopath. The lab was an interesting area. There were control panels everywhere along with test tubes. The best way I could describe it was, evil supervillain lab from old cartoons.

I looked over to Aella, who had a fearful look in their eyes. I put my hand on their shoulder and gave them a thumbs up. They smiled in response.

"So how do we get down there?" Jennings asked.

"I'll go down there and make a distraction, and I'll teleport you down while he's busy with me," Aella answered.

Jennings nodded and let them do their job. Aella slid out from behind the painting a flew down. 


I landed a bit away from the three glitches. Error was rambling about how it was almost done. I didn't know what he was talking about until I looked up. He had an almost perfect replica of her staff. I didn't know how to react but I had to do something.

"HEY!" I yelled.

Error turned around to see me. I stared at him angrily as he smirked back it.

"Aella! My old pal," Error said, condescending.

"Don't fucking call me that," I spat.

"Aw- w3- @3," he glitched out, " Why not?"

"I'm not your friend, I'm not your pal, I hate you," I answered.

"Now that's not how you talk to your superiors now is it?" He asked.

"You're not my fucking boss anymore," I told him.

Error started to laugh at that. I then noticed the right side of his face glitching out. Glitch and I backed away nervously. I didn't know what he was doing, but I decided to take this chance to teleport the others down here. One by one I teleported them down, behind some counters Error had in here. Error stopped laughing as he noticed the glitching on his face. From what I could see, he looked nervous. But I didn't have time to give him my sympathy. I ran up to grab the staff when something grabbed me. I looked back to see Glitch grabbing me with one of her tentacles.

"What the hell Glitch," I shouted.

Glitch just stared at me, no emotion in her face. She just threw me away from staff and into a wall. My vision went blurry, but I didn't pass out, luckily. I stood up but I felt something cold on my head. I was bleeding.


I don't know what compelled me to do this but I ran out to grab the staff. Error seemed shocked by this, so did Glitch and Glory. But I didn't care. Just as I was about to grab it, Glory grabbed my leg and yanked me back.

"Now now, we can't have you messing up now can we?" She asked.

I didn't respond. I just stared at her angrily before kicking her in the chest. She flew backwards into a wall.

"Don't touch me," I muttered under my breath.

Glory looked up at me, confusion written across her face. I got up and walked up to her. She looked like she was in so much pain, but I couldn't help her now. She wasn't my friend, she was a puppet. Glitch stared at me. I couldn't see any emotions on her face. She just lunged at me and pinned me to the ground. She raised her fist as if she was gonna punch me. but she never got the chance. In the blink of an eye, Jeremiah ran up and tackled Glitch, pinning her to the ground. Jeremiah just nodded at me and I smiled back. I looked around me and saw only chaos. Aella was fighting Glory while Jennings and Leah were holding back Error. I took that chance I run up and grab the staff. But by then I was too late. 

Error looked over to the controls and teleported away from Leah and Jennings. He grabbed the new staff and twirled it around joyfully. Aella stared in horror as Error walked up to her and Glory. But to my surprise he wasn't going for Aella. He picked up Glory using the magic from the staff and smiled.

"We won't be needing Lorelai anymore," He laughed.

Then he seemed to ripe Lorelai in half. One side fell towards us. When she got up, we figured out It was just regular Lorelai. The other side landed towards Error and Glitch. Though she looked like Lorelai she still had some noticeable differences. She was paler and had black, inky tears running down her face. She had purple and blue eyes with pink lines running through them, and green sclera's.

While everyone started at Lorelai and Glory shocked, Aella pulled me aside.

"You need to grab the staff," She told me.

"Error will kill me with it before I get the chance too," I replied.

"Not the one in his hand, the one he stole," She explained.

"Oh, alright, you guys keep him busy then," I said.

"Got it," She confirmed. 

Aella went over to talk to the others. Soon they were all back to fighting. Jennings had Glitch. Aella and Jeremiah had Error, and Leah and Lorelai had Glory. Meanwhile I ran for the staff. This time no one held me back. I snatched in a turned back to Aella. 

"What now?" I yelled.

She pointed to a hole in the group and shouted, "THERE!"

I nodded and ran over there. Again, no one tried to stop me because they were all pre-occupied. I stuck the staff in the hole and twisted it. Suddenly, a burst of light shot out of staff and separated into four parts. One was orange and purple, one was Blue and red, one was red-ish pink and yellow and the last one was blue and orange. They all shot out in different directions, but the orange and purple one went straight for me. I closed my eyes until the light subsided. Once I opened my eyes, there was a weird orange and purple watch on my hand. I looked behind me and saw Leah had a similar watch to mine, but it was Yellow and red-ish pink. Jennings and Lorelai apparently also got hit with the light, but they looked completely different.

Lorelai now had paper white skin and pink hair. She also had a knee length skirt on with a black jacket and a green and white scarf. She had blue eyes and white pupil. The most drastic change was she now had a pair of black wings, along with demon horns and a tail. She also had a red and blue watch on her wrist. 

Jennings looked a lot closer to how I remembered but he still changed a lot. His eyes were now pure white with blue lines coring through them, and his pupils were blue as well. He had wires coming out of his back, which looked super cool, and he two, had a watch. His was blue and orange.

Error started at us angrily. The right side of his face started to glitch again, so he backed away from us. 

"N0- 3$- *^&" Error glitched, falling to his knees.

"Guys RUN!" Jennings yelled.

None of us argued. We just ran. We didn't know where too, but we just ran. I was getting tired, but we didn't have room to stop. Error was chasing us in the same demon like form he chased me and Leah in a while back. Aella flew ahead of us and pulled Lorelai into a hidden doorway. The rest of us followed her in.

"I know how we can stop him, Lorelai, Jennings, Leah, and Kalley, you see those watches?" She asked us.

We all nodded.

"Those can summon you weapons, welp except for Leah's,  hers can put of shields and protection charms," Aella explained.

"So you want us to summon some weapons and fight Error?" Lorelai asked.

Aella nodded. I summoned the fire wipe from when we saved Jeremiah. Lorelai summoned herself a sword. Lastly, Jennings summoned himself a gun.

"So I want you to use these to fight Error, then when he's weak, we'll tie him up and get out of here, got it?" She check.

Us three nodded.

"And Leah, I want you to put up a shield so Error will have a harder time hurting us," Aella ordered.

"Got it," Leah said.

"Then let's do this"

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