Chapter 20: Aella's plan

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I stood in shock for a hot moment. Could this be the same Aella from the photos. I didn't to asked just yet though. Though I did feel good knowing that we had another person to help us.

"Nice to meet you Aella, I'm Leah and that's Kalley," Leah introduced us.

"Hello Leah. So what's y'alls plan for stopping Error?" Aella asked.

Everyone in the room glanced at each other nervously.

"We um, have just been spying on him, besides that we have no clue," Jennings admitted.

Aella just stared at us like we were idiots.

"You brought me into this, without a FUCKING PLAN?" She screamed

"Um, Yeaaaaaah," I confirmed.

"You idiots," Aella said, walking towards the white board.

We all sat back as she wrote what seemed to be an essay on the board. It was taking her so long to the point where me and Leah started playing 7-up. Or we at least tried. Leah wasn't getting the game. But luckily Aella was ready to explain her plan, before I lost my mind.

"So Error's most powerful weapon is his staff, which isn't even his, he had me steal it for him. But his goal was to re-create it. From him still using the stolen one, he clearly hasn't made it yet," Aella rambled.

"We're trying to save Lorelai as well," Leah pointed out.

"Well luckily for you four, I have that figured out. You four just need to bring her to me and I'll work my magic," Aella said.

"That's it?" I asked.

"What, were you expecting some grandiose plan? " She asked.

"Um, no, this just seems to easy, what about planning for all of the things that could go wrong?" I asked.

"You've been doing that?" She asked us.

Me and Jennings nodded in unison. Aella just face palmed at that.

"You idiots, sometimes you just have to go for a plan that makes the most sense, even if it has flaws," She said,

"We know, but we can't risk Error killing us," Jennings said.

"With me on your side, that won't happen," Aella replied.

"So are we just gonna leave and go now?" I asked.

"Do you feel ready?" Aella asked back.

"Um, no not really," I answered.

"Then we'll wait, until we're all ready," Aella answered.

That made me feel a lot better. We were finally gonna take on Error and get our friend back.

"Where should we look first?" Jennings asked.

"The Lab"

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