Chapter 19: The B-team

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We found ourselves walking around the garden out behind the castle. We were hiding behind plants made of code and shrines, basically spying on Glory. She ran around with such child like wonder, it was kind of nice to watch. But I couldn't just wait and watch, we had to stop Error, and this was step 1.

Glory kept playing happily until Error came out. She looked up at him with less joy than just a bit ago. 

"Hello Glory, I need you inside," Error said calmly.

"But I'm playing, and what about the people here?" Glory asked.

Error looked up in Me and Leah's direction. He glared at us before looking back down at Glory.

"Stay here, and I'll take care of them," He told her.

Glory smiled and stood up. Error than walked towards where me and Leah were hiding and with the snap of this fingers, the shrine and plants were gone. I started to freak out, since we'd never fought or even seen Error's powers. I tried to use the fire whip from last time but It wasn't working. Error picked up Leah using some code rope and threw her into a wall that Error made. Somehow though, Leah stood up, seemingly unharmed. I kept trying to use the whip but nothing happened. We then looked up to see Error with an orb of energy. He was tossing it around like it was a basketball. He then laughed and threw it at us.

I was ready to dodge it, but I never got to me or Leah. We looked up to find Glory in between us and Error. Except is wasn't Glory. It was Lorelai. 

"Lore-" Leah got cut off.

"Run," Lorelai said.

"What?" Leah asked,

"Run, GO!" Lorelai told us.

We both nodded and ran off. We made it back to the castle and slipped behind a painting. I was out of breath but we needed to continue back to our main room. We soon made it back to find Jennings, Jeremiah, and a 3rd person there. 

"Oh good, you're back!" Jennings said.

"Mhm. Who's this?" I asked, pointing at the girl.

"Oh! She's gonna help us stop Error," Jennings explained.

"Okay, that's good, but what's her name?" I asked.

"My name is Aella."

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