Chapter 9:Brains and Brawns

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It felt so weird falling through the portal, but where I ended up was weirder. Some black and green palace. I looked around and saw Jennings in a cage. He looked calm enough, so I casually walked over to him.

"What's good Jen Jen?" I asked.

Jennings just looked up at me coldly, "You fool," He said.

"What?" I asked.

"You are a fool Jeremiah, and you have chosen a fools fate," He said coldly, his eyes changing from brown to pure black, Sclera and everything. Then the cage disappeared, along with Jennings. 

In its place was a tall girl. She smiled kindly, and she walked up to me, "Ah yes, the brawns for our plan," she tired squeezed my cheek but I swatted her hand away.

"Don't touch me," I told her.

"Oh! so this is why Error wanted you," She said

So this must be Glitch, I thought, "What do you want?" I asked.

"Well we need your brawns, and we already have Jennings' brains," She smiled

"Well you aren't getting them," I spat.

"Oh we'll see about that," She smiled before running up to me, and trying to kick me.

I slide out of the way, but she just did a ballerina spin and kicked me. I flew back a bit, but I got up pretty quick. She smiled so innocently, I was kind of unnerving. I ran forward and punched her in the neck. She seemed to feel the pain, but she didn't make a single noise. Instead she just smirked and kicked me aside, sending me flying into a wall.

"What the hell," I muttered.

She smiled, and using some weird glitch powers, she picked me, "Now, let's get down to business".  


Day: I lost count

Idiot, I though as Jeremiah tried to fight Glitch. He was never gonna win against a being of pure code and data. That's one of the things I'd learnt about these two, they were data and code given a humanoid form, but there code was corrupt by something, I'm still yet to know what. Sadly I don't have anymore info, so I will update this when I do, 


I glitched the notebook away, and sat there, "I wonder if they'll be able to find this place," I wondered allowed.

(Short/filler chapter)

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