Chapter 5: The shrine

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Once I woke up, I looked around cautiously, and I saw Lorelai.

"Lorelai, wake up," I whisper shouted, while shaking her.

"W-what," Lorelai said, drowsily. 

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Um, kind of? What are you doing here?" She asked.

"The portal pulled me in, how did you get in here?" I questioned her more.

"Well um," Lorelai started.

>>>3rd Person POV<<<

-flash back time-

Lorelai sat in her room the whole party, she barely knew anyone so she'd rather be in her room. However, that horrible feeling from that morning was still there. Lorelai still tried to ignore it by drawing, writing, singing, or watching TikTok. But it just wouldn't go away.

As Lorelai drew one of her characters, a black figure walked up behind her, out of a black portal with an ominous red glow . It reached out it's deep, black, inky hand and grabbed her by her leather jacket, and the last thing Lorelai saw before she was pulled into the portal was bright red eyes staring right into her soul.

-Okay flash back over :)-


Lorelai finished explaining what happen and I was at a lost for words. Then I looked into her eyes, and noticed her sclera were tinted green, similar to that glitch girl.

"What's up with your eyes?" I asked her, putting my hand on her face.

"What are you talking about?" She asked back.

"Your sclera's are tinted green," I pointed out.

"My what?" Lorelai asked confused.

"The white part," I explained

"Oh, well I didn't notice they were changing," She told me.

"It's fine, maybe its just the green glow of the area making them seem green," I explained, "But we need to get out of here, and fast". I took my hand off her face, and she turned  away, seemingly to be blushing.


As we walked through, Kalley and Leah were whispering to each other, sadly I couldn't hear them.

"We need to find that girl who was on Lorelai's bed," Leah said turning to me.

"Well how can we find her?" I asked

"We don't know but, we have to try," Leah said, "We need to find Lorelai!"

"And Jennings," Kalley added

"Yes! And Jennings," Leah said.

"Do you think we could try and summon her," Kalley suggested

"And how would we do that," I asked

"No clue," Kalley admitted.

"Exactly," I told her.

"At least it's an idea," Kalley responded, walking forward, "What the hell this labyrinth bullshit,"

"Labyrinth?" Leah asked.

"Yes, they're mazes that twist and turn endlessly, and they're meant to mess your head up," Kalley explained

"Well that gives me a boost of confidence," I said.

We walked silence for a while after that.

As we walked, we found a weird shrine like thing. It had a four armed figure on it, with 2 tentacles out of it's back. Well this is convenient, I thought. I then looked over to Kalley and I guessed she was thinking the same thing.

"I have an idea," Kalley sang,

"We should summon her?" I guessed.

"Right!" Kalley said.

"What would we give her," Leah asked.

No one spoke up. 

But no one needed too. As we were thinking a weird glitchy yellow light appeared, and boom she was there.

"Where is Jennings?" Kalley yelled, the moment we could see her.

"Who?" She asked childishly.

"Tall, Asian, blue jacket, glasses," Leah described.

"Oh! You mean my new best friend? I've been calling him Mason. It just fits so much better, don't you think?" The girl said.

"Um, no?" Kalley said, "Jennings fits him better".

"Well I like Mason, and he's been hanging with me!" She told us.

"Well we need her back," Leah told her.

"But he's my new friends, you want me to take him away?" She asked, with hints of fake sadness and manipulation her voice.

"Yes," Kalley says calmly.

"Oh," She mumbled, just loud enough for us to hear.

"We like, really need him," Kalley said.

"Alive and well too," Leah added.

"But I want to keep him," She winned.

"I don't care!" I yelled, "he's not a pet for you to keep, he's a person and our friend!"

You're not fun," She pouted before teleporting away the same way she appeared leaving nothig behind, except for the shrine.

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