Chapter 17: Plan #103

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We sat around for hours just waiting for Jeremiah to wake up. We would check his wounds and re-bandage them every now and again, but he still looked horrible. The plug marks all over were just seeping out blood, and his whole arm just look gross. 

Jeremiah soon woke up with a jolt. He looked around at us, confused, "Where am I?" He asked.

"The closest thing we have to a hide out right now," Kalley answered.

"How ya feeling?" Jennings questioned.

"Fine enough, my arm hurts like hell though," Jeremiah answered.

"Mine would too if I had charging cords plug into them," Kalley blurted.

"I had WHAT?" Jeremiah asked.

"You had charging cords plugged into your arm," Kalley repeated.

"Ew," Jeremiah said.

"Well, do you need anything," I asked.

"Eh, not right now," Jeremiah answered.

We sat in silence for a while. Kalley was just fiddling with some stuff she found on the ground, Jeremiah was trying to sleep, Jennings was adding something to his journal, all whilst I started at 1 specific stop on the wall.

Kalley looked up from her hands and looked around, "What's next?" She asked.

"We don't know, but I think we should try to get Lorelai, then we can all go out and spy on Error and Glitch," Jennings answered,

"But how are we going do that?" Kalley asked, "We have 0 leads."

"I know, and I wish we did," Jennings said.

"Hold up, what is going on?" Jeremiah asked.

"Oh, Lorelai got possessed, and we're trying to get her to be not possessed," I explained.

"Do you think killing Error and Glitch would work?" Jeremiah asked.

"And how would we kill then?" Jennings shot back.

"This little thing called, gun," Jeremiah answered.

"No, No violence guys,' I stated.

"Most of this trip has been full of violence," Kalley pointed out.

"And all of it was unnecessary," I replied.

"Well, you know what they say, fight fire with fire," Kalley smiled.

"What?! No!" I told Kalley.

"Violence is always the answer," Jeremiah interjected.

"I got it!" Jennings announced.

Me, Jeremiah and Kalley all looked over at Jennings, who was standing in front of the whiteboard proudly. Kalley walked and lightly pushed Jennings out of the way for her to see. Me and Jeremiah walked up to look at the bored as well. It showed Jennings' plan, labeled Plan #103. As I read it, 1 thing started to confuse me. How where we going to leave. It wasn't even a flaw in his plan or anything, but none of us knew how to leave. The others didn't seem to be thinking of this, so I went back to looking at Jennings' plan. 

It was simple, really. It was basically Kalley's plan, but with a little more logic behind it. First we find Glory, and basically spy on her with the tunnels. Then once we figure out how this possession thing works and how to undo it, we get Lorelai back in control of her body. Simple.

"What about Error and Glitch," Kalley asked.

"What about them?" Jennings asked back.

"Are we just gonna leave them to continue doing this evil bullshit or no?" Kalley checked.

"If we can find a way to defeat them or get them to change there minds, we will do something," Jennings answered, "But, if we can't, it'll be safer for us to just leave."

"Makes sense." Kalley said, "But how long are we gonna stall?"

"What do you mean?" Jennings asked.

"How long are we just gonna let Error and Glitch use Lorelai before we do something, before we go out to save her?" Kalley implored.

"I- I don't know Kalley. But what I do know is we can't go out there all discombobulated and get ourselves killed," Jennings answered calmly.

Kalley started at him angrily, "I know that! We all do! That's all we've been doing for most of our time her! Planning how to save you, planning out to save Lorelai and Jeremiah and how to leave!" She exclaimed, "Sometime soon we need to do something!"

Jennings sighed and turned towards the door, "I'll be back," and he walked off.

Me and Jeremiah stared between the doorway and Kalley, who sat down angrily. I sat there and thought about what they said. I mean, Kalley had a point, we couldn't just wait and plan until we had enough info. But on the other hand, last time we just rushed in, we almost got caught. I didn't know what to think or what to do. I just stared at the door, hoping we would make the right choice.

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