Chapter 18: The A-Team

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(A/N: TW- this chapter with show some more gore than the others. There will also be mentions of abuse. )


I walked through the cave systems to go spy on Error and Glitch. I know it probably wasn't the smartest idea, but the faster we got it done, the better. Kalley made that very clear. I went back to his room, but he wasn't there. So I went to the only other area I thought he would be. The throne room. I watch down from the painting as he sat calmly on his throne. He seemed like a different person from the man who was yelling in his room over a girl I'd never heard of. I watched as Glitch walked in. She said something to Error and threw a kid to the ground. They had paper white skin similar to Glitch, but they had long black hair. They wore a white jacket and a black mini skirt. They sat up and stared to Error. Error smirked at them and snapped his fingers. Then 2 guards came and carried them away.

I got up and ran back towards the group, only getting lost a little along the way. Once I got back, I saw only Jeremiah there. He was standing up, and dinking a coke from the fridge.

"Where are Kalley and Leah?" I asked.

"Went to go get Glory, wanted to speed up the process," Jeremiah said.

"Well I think I just found another way to speed it up," I told him.

"And how's that?" Jeremiah asked.

"Follow me," I answered.

I lead Jeremiah towards the cages, where we found the girl crying. She looked like his was distressed and in pain. One of Error's guards walked in and stared at them for a weirdly long time before speaking.

"Shut it, Lady," He ordered.

"No! I want out!" They shouted.

"To bad! The boss needs you," He replied.

"Fuck your boss! He's horrible!"  They yelled.

"I'll never go against my king!" The guard said, angrily.

(Gore and violence starts here, if you wish to skip you can)

The guard then pulled out a sword. He walked up to the girl's cage, causing them to back up. He opened the door and picked the girl up by her neck. They kicked at the guard, trying to get out of his grasps, but it didn't work. The guard threw them to the ground and put his foot on her back. He then stabbed their hand, causing blood to pour out. The girl screamed in pain, tears rolling down their face. The guard then pulled at their wings and slashed the sword at one of them. For a moment I thought he had cut it off, but no. Instead he had just cut a chip off of it. He put the chip in a jar and walked off.

I ran out from behind the painting and walked up to her. Now that I was close up, I could see their wounds easier. The stab wound on their hand was bruised and bloody. I also saw their bone was cracked slightly from the blade. The chip on their wing was bigger than what I thought, leaving bone exposed and skin bloody. Their left eye was swollen from them being thrown on the group. They sat up and looked at me. Immediately, they flinched away from me, probably fearing what I might do to them.

(Alright, gore over)

"What do you want?" They asked.

"Me and my friends need your help," I said.

"And what will I got from this?" They questioned further.

"The feeling of beating Error?" I said, unsurely.

The girl thought for a moment before answering, "I'm in."

"Great, we'll take you back to our main area," I told them.

"The bars are still here," They pointed out.

"Oh, right," I said. 

I summoned a crowbar and moved the bars away from each other, letting the girl climb out. I them led her to the painting and started to walk back towards the main room. Somehow the girl seemed to know where they were going, like they'd been here before. I chocked it up to them being from here and being able to like, sense their surroundings. Once we got back, Kalley and Leah were still gone, but that gave me and Jeremiah time to fill this girl in on our plan

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