Chapter 22:The Progaming Editors

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We walked out carefully. Error was down on his knees screaming in pain. I kind of felt bad for him, because it did look painful, but at the same time, he caused me and my friends pain. We ran in and hit him when he was down.

Jennings shot at his arms, causing him to bleed green blood. Meanwhile Lorelai slashed at the tentacles growing out of his back with  her sword. Once he was a bloody mess, we used my wipe to tie him up. He was mumbling something to himself as Aella walked up to him. They grabbed his wrist and took Lorelai's sword. He look up at them and in one swing, Aella had cut Error's hand off. But his time he didn't scream, he didn't laugh, he didn't smile. He just look down without emotion, and waved his other hand, opening a portal to Lorelai's room. The six of us walked through and soon the portal closed behind us. 

We had made it out alive.

"We're alive!" I shouted.

"Mhm," Aella smiled.

"So, what's with those two?" Jeremiah asked, pointing at Jennings and Lorelai.

Aella smiled at me, Lorelai and Jennings, "Meet the Progaming editors."

"The what?" Lorelai asked.

"You three have been given truly magnificent powers," Aella looked over at Lorelai, "You, Starfire, have been given the role of keeping all alternate universe in check and keeping them safe," She then looked at Jennings, "And Progaming, you're in charge of the health and future of the Alternate universes," Aella then looked at me, "And Undead, you're in charge of the safety and protection of these alternate universes."

I looked at her confused, "I'm not Undead, Undead is an alien and I'm a human," I pointed out.

"But now with that watch, you have her power," Aella explained.

"So are Lorelai and Jennings just stuck like that now?" Jeremiah asked.

Aella laughed at the question, "No silly, using their watches, they can turn back to normal,"  Aella explained, "Try it."

Jennings and Lorelai tapped there watched and they turned back to normal. Aella then looked back at me.

"Also next time you see the 'real' Undead, tell her I said hi," She requested.

"Um, alright," I said.

Aella then waved us goodbye and walked through another portal and soon disappeared. We all look around and I noticed Leah's watch, "She never explained what your watch does," I pointed out.

"We'll figure it out one day," Leah replied.

"Yeah I guess we will," I said.

After what had just happened, we all decided to go to our rooms. I collapsed into my bed and passed out immediately. I could finally sleep well.

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