Chapter 16: Thunder and Fire

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(This chapter contains slight gore)


I lead Jennings to the furnished room of the cave and let him get comfy. We then stared to think of ideas on how to save Lorelai and Jeremiah.

"What if we kidnapped Glory, brought her here, and forced her to let Lorelai have control of her body again," I suggested.

"One, how would we kidnapped Glory, Two, how would we convince her to give Lorelai back her body, and three, Glory would still be in her mind, what's stopping Glory from taking back full control?" Jennings asked.

I shrugged, "We could probably build off it, and workshop it a bit," I answered.

"It will be needing a lot of it," Jennings admitted.

"Well do you have any ideas?" I asked.

"Not right now, but it will take time to come up with ideas," Jennings said, "I mean we know little to nothing about Error, so it's hard to think of a plan to stop him."

"That's fair," I admitted.

"But we have to try," Leah butted in.

"Yup, we have too," I replied.

With Jennings' cool glove thing, we got ourselves a white board and some marks, and started to write down our ideas, plus there flaws. Soon we came up with the idea to try and find where Jeremiah was being kept, and where Error was. When we find Jeremiah, we would use Jennings' glove to get Jeremiah out, and when we find Error, we'll spy on him, figure out his deal, and more of his plan. Our main problem was Glory. She had full control of Lorelai's body and we had no idea how to get her out.

"Do you think an anti-virus will work," I asked.

Jennings shrugged at this, "Maybe."

"Let's just drop this for now," I told the others, "Let's just go find Jeremiah, then we can come back and re-group."

"Eh yeah, yeah that works," Jennings said.

"Well, what way?" Leah asked.

"We don't know, but we'll find him," I answered.

We started to look around, trying to even think of areas he could be in. So we switched gears to finding Error. We ended up finding him in his 'room' drinking what seemed to be a fruity cocktail. He was ranting to Glory and Error about something with him seeing Aella. Glory didn't seem to know she was, and Glitch gave him a 'Whatever' look.

"It was the same wings, hair, hell even the eyes," He was freaking out about it.

"I doubt it Error, she basically died from how bad her corruption got, remember?" Glitch pointed out.

"I know what I saw, Glitch," He hissed.

"Maybe it's just someone who looks like her," Glitch suggested.

"NO! It was her! I know it," Error yelled.

We sat and watched for a little longer, but it was just them arguing about Aella. So we took this chance to look around more for Jeremiah. We walked around separately, it 'cover more ground'. I thought it would've safer for us to stay together. But as fate had it, I was wrong. I heard Leah's screams, and ran in the direction it came from. By the time I found Leah, Jennings was already there. Leah had a mix of fear and concern on her face, so it couldn't have been good. I walked up and peered into the room to see what they were freaking out about.

What I saw was horrible. Jeremiah was hooked up to some machine, that seemed to be using his angry to fuel itself. There was also a giant needle that seemed to be this angry energy to power itself up. Jeremiah himself looked horrible. Burn marks, and scars galore. I wanted to run out and help him immediately. I almost did, but Jennings pulled me back.

"You can't just run out there, this is the only part of the castle that's guarded," Jennings explained.

"Well, we need to do something," I responded.

"I know Kalley, but we need a plan. If we run out there recklessly we'll get ourselves killed," Jennings told me.

"Fine, but what are we gonna do?" I asked.

"Well it's clear they want to possess him, so we need to turn off the machine first," Jennings explained.

"And how do we do that?" I asked.

"We don't know," Jennings answered.

We looked at the machine the best we could, when Leah noticed that it was plugged in. She also pointed out  how it's using plug in cords to connect to his body. I gaged at that thought. But slowly, one by one, we slipped out from behind the painting to get Jeremiah. Leah unplugged the machine, while Jennings worked to unplug the cords from Jeremiah. I stood watch  to make sure no one entered the room. Everything was going smooth until Jeremiah yelped in pain as the cords were removed from his skin. That caused both of the guards guarding the door to enter the room. Leah noticed them and tried to get back to the painting, when guard one grabbed her arm.

Meanwhile, guard two was pointing his spear at Jennings and Jeremiah. Jeremiah was barely moving and Jennings was trying to not get stabbed. Whilst all of this was happening, I started to get angry. Error and Glitch kidnapped my friends and was forcing them to be his puppets and slaves. I balled up my fists and went to go punch guard one but he was to far away. Instead an orange and purple flame came out of my hand, like a whip, and hit guard one but not Leah. Guard one fell to the ground in pain and ran out. Guard two tried to grab Jennings and Jeremiah and make a run for it but Jennings had other plans. An electric shock left his hands and blasted Guard two into the wall. He laid there lifeless.

Leah wanted to go help the guards, but I grabbed her arm and pulled her inside the painting.

"We need to get Jeremiah back to our main room," Jennings said, frantically.

"Alright then," I said.

Soon enough we all got back to our main room and we set Jeremiah up on one of the bean bag chairs and bandaged his wounds. We then sat there, and waited for him to wake up.

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