sun and moon x blind child reader

416 8 2

Perantal abuse mention of injuries murder and blood..


There were a lot of people...too many..
Its so loud... so many noises.. screams... the sound of steps echoing in your ears... people wont stop pushing... kids running past you like your nothing...

You in your quite little voice... you tell them to stop... dont push...plz...

They wont listen "move it kid! Your in the way!" "Get out of here weirdo!" Why are ppl so cruel?...

Your body ached..your cuts and bruises burn... and being pushed around doesnt help...

The rag on your eyes itches.. you want to take it off so badly.. but youll get punished..

Someone pushed you and you fell on your knees.. you quitely sob as you slowly crawl away from the crowed to a corner...
One hand on the wall to gide you, you proceed...

You flinched when you heard a door opening.. you slowly walking toward the sound... you enter a room (you think..) you hear bubbly cartoony music playing... so strange.. you slowly limp along side the wall...

You arive at a toob... an opening of a slide you believe... theres a sign above it... but you cant read it... (for obvious reasons...) you slowly enter the slid and yelp when you slide a bit too fast.

You fall into a....ballpit?... theres a lot of plastic balls... you slowly go forward.. you reach a somewhat bridge... and you enter an open space... too need a corner... something to hold on to...

Your legs are a bit shaky...your hands too... you hold the bridge.. crouched a bit.... where are you?.. why did you go down the tube?...why arent there any ppl here?.. oh your gonna get in trouble! What if-

You froze when you hear jingling... steps....and humming?....someone is here! They could help! You hope...but your probably gonna get yelled at...nothing your not fammiliar with... you slowly make your way to the jingling..

You stretch out your hand to feel...something soft... pants but more....puffy?..

"E-excuse m-me?" You say quitely tugging on the fabric...
The someone that is in front of you freez "c-can yo-ou plz hel-lp.. me?...I-Im lost.." you say quitely...

"Oh! Why hello there little one!"
You yelp when you feel matel hands picking you up under your armpits...
"What are you doing here? The daycsre is closed! Its been for a while now..." he trailed off.. mumbling the last part.. he's doesnt sound very human...and you felt your self being a bit too high from the ground for your liking..

You flinch when you hear a strange nois.. there was a quite pause before he suddenly screams "OH MY GODNESS! you HURT! W-what happened to you?? You poor thing! I must take you to the first aid station right away!!"
You yelped in surprise when he screamed.. now a bit more shaky..

He carries you somewhere...

After a few minutes he sat you on a weird cushined brench...
He lets you go and you hear shuffles before he raises your sleev..
You immediatly move away and tug your sleev back down.. you hear him sigh...

"Sunshine... I need to treat your injuries...their realy bad..."
He slowly takes your arm again.. against your protests...he's hands are much larger.. and stronger then yours..
He slowly puls your sleeve again and you hear a tiny turn your head to the side...your injuries werent a pretty thing to look werent a pretty thing to look'v been reminded that too many times...

"Your doing great! What is your name?" He asks softly...more quitely now.. you shift a little before you tell him your name quitely..
"Thats sucha lovely name! My name is sunrise! But you can call me sun or sunny! Or what ever you'd like! The children alwas come up with such cute and unique nicknames!"
He rambled.. he was nice...a bit too nice...
"What are you?" You blurred out and immediatly put your hand on your mouth! Why did you ask him that?! Thats so rude!! You feel him pause.. "s-sorry! Sorry!" You say fastly "I d-didnt mean it t-to s-sound like t-that I-I swesr!!"
"Hey! Hey, calm down.. your ok your not in trouble! I understand why you must be confused if you never saw an animetronic before!"

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