god AU sun x child reader

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You ran in The forest, tears going down your face as you just ran ran ran,

You didnt care anymore, your legs hurt, and your burning cheek hurt even more.. but your heart.. ached more then anything... you looked behind you, you couldnt see anyone there, you turned around only to be met face first into a tree..

You cried out in pain as you fell to the floor and held your mouth and nose, you can still hear him shout, so you ignore the irin taste in your mouth and the sticky lequid as you ran..

After a while you couldnt see or hear him anymore, you plopped onto the dirt, and leaned against a tree.. your so sore.. and so fired.. everything hurts.. you curl into a ball as you sob into your knees..

You woke up... it was getting late.. and you didnt know where you were.. you shivered a bit as you curled tighter into yourself.. the sun is starting to set.. and your face and nose burn..

Mom and dad got into a fight.. again.. dad was angry at you again, he called you a freak.. mom tried her best to protect you.. knowing her husbent didnt want to hurt her, he only hated you.. but that day.. he did.. he did hurt her.. becuase of you... and you couldnt do anything about it..

Why.. why did you have to be different?...you werent realy all that different.. you felt the same like every other kid would in your age.. though.. your face was always stuck in the sane expression... you never knew why.. you tried.. hours infrint of the lake.. tried to smile bright, frown, even angry.. but all that came was that smae board expression, a straight line with half lidded eyes.. you did smile sometimes.. but it was faint.. and it all ways looked like you were tired or not intrested.. it hurt.. so much.. why cant you be normal?... all you wanted was to help... to be happy.. to have friends.. to have a happy family.. but the universe said otherwise..

You flinched when you heard something.. and a strong light emited from around the tree, you closed your eyes.. you suddenly felt panic rise in you.. you felt like the air suddenly just got stuffier, millions of eyes at your trembling figure, you suddenly felt so small, and at any minut now youde be crushed under an invisible pressure.. w-whats going on?

You held yourself so tight that you felt you finger nailes dug into your skin.. but you didnt care.. you were so scared.. yu let out a whimper and suddenly it all froze..
You felt a strnge terrifiening aura... like you had to bow.. like you have to never even dare look up..

You heard steps.. and you froze, whimpering even more as you crawled fiurther into the tree..

You peeked only to be met with a bright light and you immediatly covered your face again with a silent sob and a louder whimper, trying to scooch away,

"Oh dear," your body shook violently.. not daring to look up, that voice.. it sounded calming in a way.. but so fierce at the smae time.. it scared you.. you never had so many weird feelings before, w-whats going on??

"Child.. calm down.." you felf him getting closer all the feelings getting stronger and overwhelmong, you whimper with a sob as you try to scooch further away, you whiped your head up and shilded your eyes from the light, the figure infront of you froze.. staring at you.. you stare at it back.. looking it up and down..

It looks like a man.. with very fancy and.. kinda flowy clothes?.. he was yellow.. a round face with blank white eyes.. his face was a cressent moon, a ponty nose, and rays surrounded his head, he had a crown on his head with a sun on it, actually he kinda looked like a sun man?.. he was glowing too..

You looked at his face again.. he looked confilcted and concerened..

When he moved you flinched and presses yourwhole body against the tree with a whimper, he looked even more confused now.. "...are..are you alright?..." he asked softly and slowly, you just stared at him, your body still trembling as your face had a blank expression..

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