two sexy bots x goodietwoshoes reader

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You breathed heavily as you fought the tears in your eyes, you came into the wrong building,but when you turned to leave at that realization some dude ran up to you, looking paniced, they asked you for help and you happily agreed..... not expacting them to smike at you gratefully and drag you toa fancy room, tie you up and leave you on a fancy looking couch.

You tried to fight the.... why did he tie you up in red rebons again??... ugh...

You jumped with a surprised yelp when a door suddenly slamed open, somepne mutters in a low raspy voice as they get in, they finally walk into view and look you down.

You stare up at them and your eyes widen... oh.. an atumaton.. you have yet to meet one proparly, only recently the law gave them freedom as people.. there arent a lot of them where you live...

You look up at the tall atumaton with wide curious eyes, his body is tall and a bit lanky.. but... oddly hot?... you blush slightly, his eyes shine a bright rubby red, his faceplate is round with a crescent silvery moon, the other side a dark blue..

His outfit is.... sexy..?... very umm... showing.... something you would never wear.

He wears a... night cap as well... which is.. weird..

Your cheeks flush as you fight too look away from more intimate places and stick to look at his think its a he anyways.

He looks you up and down, his exhasted and troubled expression softens and turns into a smirk.

He crouches down at the waist and your cheeks burn brighter, "now where did he manage to find a cutie like you~" your eyes widen "w-wha- U-Umm-! I-I-s-sir?!" You shake your head and let out a huff.

"S-soryy! I think this is a mistake! I-i j-just-" he chuckles lowly  "its no mistake little star~ were honna have a lil bit of fun~" he says lowly as he looks down at you with hungry eyes....oohh...shit.

Your body starts to tremble a bit as tears start prick in the corners of your eyes.

shit! You stumbled into those rich creeps that would fuck anybody they see a bit eattractive! His gonna fuck you agaisnt your will!! His gonna touch you?! OH FUCK! Oh shit! Nononono!

You squirm more urgently "nonono! Please let me go! I-I dont want-PLEASE!"

Hes eyes widen as he suddenly raises his hands in defence "woah, woah, calm down there, a-are you ok? You dont...?.." you look up at him with big teared up pleading eyes "please let me go.." you whisper, he winces as he intakes sharply, quickly taking the ribbons off of you "I am terribly sorry! I thought- oh Im going to kill that dickhead- I thought you were hear cause you wanted to! Not gonna touch you against your will!" He said urgently with a slight panic, you breathed a shaky breath as you sagged against the couch, quickly wiping at your eyes..

He slowly sat down next to you.. "I am terribly sorry for the missunderstanding. Ugh I should have known  the first second I didnt recognize you." He muttered under his breath..

His hand hovered above your back as he hasitated, not exactly knowing what to do.. you take in a heavy breath before slowly letting it out.. "i-its fine... you didnt know.. it was all just a big missunderstanding.. " you sighed.. looking up at him with a small reassuring smile "thank you for not doing it against my will..." you say quietly as you look away, he huffs as he sags against the soffa next to you, rubbing his face, "ugh, doing something like that against someones will is literaly sick. Why the fuck are you even thanking me!? I nearly traumatized you." You giggle "well...uhh.. you didnt!... thats atleast something right?" You said with a smile, he deadpuned at you. "Your weird." You chuckle.

"Im y/n by the way. Nice to meet ya... uuhh.." he looked at you for a second.. "you dont know?" You smiled awkwardly "uuhh-s-should I?.." he smiles at you "moon, moondrop." He says taking your hand and givving it a shake.

"And again Im so so very sorry, could I make it up to you somehow?" You laugh as you wave him off "nah, Im fine, just paniced a bit, Im glad that it wasnt something else," you said with a smile, he groaned as he sagged even further dow against the couch covering his face with his hat "no no no. This was not something you could just shove under the rug." He stands upright again, "please let me treat ya for something. Anything," hour eyes widen as you immediatly shook your head "no! Really I dont need anything! It was just a missunderstanding! You made a small mistake! Everybody does!" He looks at you pleadingly "so let me buy you coffee or something... please??" You sigh, a soft smile tugging at your lips as your cheeks slightly burn..


I mean... going for some coffee with a cute handsome guy wouldnt be so bad... right?...

"I-I guess... c-coffee is fine-B-But-!"

As you were about to add something the door suddenly burst open again, casing you to jumo with a squeak, at the door way you saw another handsome automaton...

Just like moon actually, same body just.. more colors and.. a brighter smile... his eyes were bright white, and he had rays around his round head, instead of silver and blue he was all shades of soft creams and yellows, he looked at moon confused, then looked at you, you slightly blushed.... god he was as attractive as moon.

His smile brightened as he jumped on his heels with a high piched squeal "Oh moonie! You little basterd!~  how can you hide a cutie like this from me?!" Your cheeks flushed as you raised your hands deffence "w-wai- I-I..  c-cutie?.." you stuttered out, sun cooed at you as his smile turned into a slight smirk "is that your lil play thing moonie? Cause I want a turn~" he said sadisticly, ou groaned loudly as you hid your face in your hands "What the hell is going on?! IM NOT EVEN THAT CUTE FUCKING DAMNIT!"

moon laughed as he scrambled to explain "s-sorry sun! This cutie is not working here! Please be more... gentle... with them cause theyre not... ya know.... into those stuff." Sun whined "aww man! But look at them! Theyre adorable how cant they be into 'those stuff'..." he huffed,making his way closer, your cheeks burn as you tried to calm down a bit.

"They came in here on accident, and that dickhead brought them cause he thought they work here probably... I needed to relieve some stress so I asked him to give me someone who looked good enough... and maaaybe threatened him... a lil bit.." you dead punned at moon as the brighter one groaned while rubbing his face. "Moon. Seriously?.. ugh." The brighter automaton turns to you with an apologitic smile "Im so sorry for the inconvinaice sweetheart, can we treat you to something?" You shook your head, cheeks still a bit roasy, moon smiled cheekly at you as he wraped an arms around your shoukder, making your blush grow a bit "actually~ they agreed that I'd take them out for a treat! Wanna tag along sunny boi?~" sun squealed like a little girl "woukd I??~ " you squeaked in surprise when the brighter automaton-sun. Suddey picked uou up in a tight hug, your legs dangled beneath you as he swaung you around, "oohh I would loovve too! Yyayy!~" he sang song, and you found yourself laughing as he gently sat you down on the floor "well that was the cutest laugh Ive ever heard!" Sun chirped happily down at you, patting your head, "sucha cute lil thing arent ya?~" you swatted his hand from your head "hey! Im not little!" They bothe chuckled as you huffed.

For the rest of the day you found yourself hanging out with the two automatons, you had lots of fun.. and they found it very entertaining to make you blush it seems..

You ended up givving them your phone number, they givving a flirty comant and immediatly stopped with a laugh when you threatened to not give them your phone number.

And after a week or so you found yourself cuddling with them in their bed, kissing them on the lips... and them promising you that theyll be gentle and take good care of you...


Wow! Managed to suddenly wright a super short oneshot! Cool! Didnt know I could do that anymore.

Hope yall enjoyed, sorry if it turned out bad. It was a very short lived idea.. so.. yeah.


Love yall!🥰🥰🥰😍😍

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