obssesd vampire sun x reader..

190 8 10

The soft nightly wind blows soothingly against his cold skin.... his heart weighs motionless in his body as he stalks through the darkness..

Funny how it is, the very thing of his name sake could kill him instently...

His not the same person as he once was...

He can smell them... the villiage isnt far... and is infested and taken over by his kind....

Its a wonder how people are still willing to stay in that seemingly cursed place...

He moves like a shedow, silent as the darkness, quicker then the wind.... his blood red eyes shine as they lock on their next target... an easy kill.. it would be quick and clean... they wont even find a body~

A low high pitch gleeful chuckle fills the air around him as his eyes squint in delight...

He moves without making a sound..

He lands in a near bye alley and jinles a bell.... the poor souls can never resist the charm of the sound~...

And before he knows it.. the poor soul is already trapped in his claws without even realising it.. he chuckles in mirth and glee.... how pathetic~

Its quick, not even a sound, nor a scream... he makes it unpainfull for them, makes them get swolled in the red shine of his eyes, its easy.... like falling into a dreamless sleep... he wont make it harder for them... after all.... they eventually give him what he needs...

Sharp fangs glint in the darkness.....

Skin is getting broken....

And that lovely red is spilled out...

Coating his teeth... his lips... his chin..  driping down..... going down his throat.... the burn is suddenly overcome by pure pleasure~ sweet sweet red..

Coating his claws... the floor... the walls....aahhh~... he got a bit too excited once again~  how can he not though?.. that lovely sweet red is just so adicting~

It glints in the moonlight.. coats his claws so beautifully~

A long toungue crawls out of his smiling lips as he licks his claws clean...

His eyes flicker like lightning as he freezes...

A small creature this one is... he can smell them... their not far... their heart beat can drive him mad~.... oh... but his full already~...

What a defenceless lil creature like yourself doing out and about in thhe unholy hours of the night he wonders...~..

He looks down at the red... tsk tsk tsk... such a mess~

He merely blinks and its all gone away~ thanks to his powers~ he only needs to feed on that lovely red and he gets so much power~


The small heart flatters as he gazes at the creature... they can feel him~ and his enjoying every moment of it~...

What are you doing all alone out here in the dark?... dont you know its dangerous for little cute things to wonder alone in the middle of the night?~

A peek at their face and a feeling like he never felt before overtakes his senses...

Aahh~ its you~... his little play thing~... you dont know that of course~

He chuckles gleefully as he gazes apon your little form going in the darkness.. looking over your shoulder with that oh so cute feared expression of yours~

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