harpy eclipse x reader

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You wistle to yourself as you go through the the small peacfull forest,
Light pinks and soft oranges softly start to paint the sky like watercolors as the sun is slowly seting, today was a pretty good day just lazing around, chilling and watching TV..

As you walk on the old fammiliar dirt path, wild grass all around you.. the orangy dry leavs slowly fall to the gentle fall breeze.. the smell of fresh dirt and grass enters your nose as you take a deep breath.. you hear the splutter of water as you get closer and closer to the small river... it wasnt that small actually, it wasnt huge either.. you like to swim in it in the summer, and skate on it in the winter when it turns to ice.. the water isnt too deep.. and the small fishes and frogs know you all too well...

Though, it is between two mountains.. so the old wooden briedge is pretty high up.. 

You dont believe you could die if you jump, trmpted to do it in the summer but always chicken out, the river is deep enough.. and the briedge isnt thhaaat high... just high...

As you start to walk on tge bridge, you breath a deep sigh as you lean on the old wood railing.. looking doen at the bussy river... yup.. wont be a good idea to jump now.. the water seems too strong currently, will drag you to the water fall in the end..  which again isnt so bad..... if you dont die.. that water fall is wwaaaayyyy too high.. and there are a lot of rocks at the end.. so if your not lucky enough to fall between the rocks.. you could say good bye to your face.

You suddenly jump, startled out of your mind when you hear an animalistic shriek... shit! You gotta get out of here!

That was definatly a harpy, while they are mezmerising creatures.. theyre not so keen on sharing.. claiming those mountains.. and if they see intruders on their lands..  yiyeks... good luck to that person.. you hope its not gonna be you though.

You run to the nearest tree and look up at the sky, your eyes widen as you see one harpy that looks like his holding something with his clawd leg... like an egall carying its pray, but the prey is still alive wiggling and crying out loud.. it looks like a soft yellow fluff.. what the-..

You freeze when you see a very angry mother harpy lunges at the other one, red blurs as she whipes at the other smaller harpy, they roar growl and shriek.. your face twisted in horror as you finally understand...

That mf stole her baby....

But why??? ITS A FUCKING BABY! You do NOT mess withCHILDREN!
Oh! If you need to do something to help that poor mother! You search for something you could throw, but quickly find it a bad idea at your terrible aiming.. you cant just sit and whatch!-

They both roar and he slashes at tge mother with his clawes, making her stumble and he strikes her... your eyes widen as you see a little fluff ball suddenly starting to fall...

The mother shrieks, trying to reach her baby, but the other harpy keeps her at bay as her little one starts to free fall right into the river.. his not going to make it.

Your body moves as your brain goes blank, you dont even think, your body moves on its own as you dash the short distense between the tree and briedge,  you dont even think as you jump right after the fluff ball, managing to catch him in mid air,  you curl your body around his soft fregike one as you hold your breath.

You hear a terrifien roar before silence and then you hit the water, shaking your head you immediatly struggle agaisnt the water stream and swim to the surface, holding the baby up to let him break the surface first, and then you, you gasp, what the hell did you just- YOU FUCKING IDIOT- oh shit!

You hold him tight and secure against you as his little claws dig into your damp clothes, clinging to you for dear life as you try to swim and grasp for a branvh or something! You suddenly see the mother flying straight to you....shit.. you fidnt think on this part YEAH DUMBASS YOU DIDNT THINK OF A LOT OF STUFF LIKE THROWING YOUR FUCKING LIFE FOR THIS FLUFF BUTT!

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