monster sun x reader

129 8 28

You walk through the magical forest with wide wonder filled eyes, a small smile tugs at the corners of your lips as you take it all in.

You stare in awe at the beautiful trees, weird simboles and patterns are curved into the wood, and when you oh so gracefully trace them they slightly glow..

You walk among the trees, looking for the magical famous flowers, youve sneaked past the gaurds at the enternce of the forest and ignored all the warning signs, there was a magical creature that was known to protect said flowers..

Most witches and magiciens would take these flowers and use them for their spells, the flowers are known to be fregile and the most beautifull flowers..

Though.. that wasnt what made them magical and most special... unlike most flowers, these were alive, like legimitly alive, you only saw drawings of the famous flowers, they say that if your a good person with a pure heart they could bless you..

Theyre pretty expensive too, even if plucked and dead, but your not here to do that, oh no, your an explorer, journal in hand, you like to explore the wild magical life in this world, your goal is to bring new information on the magical creatures, from a different perspective....different method.

Most ones that wish to learn about them, take them away and put them in little cells, toreturing and experimenting on the poor creatures, not you, youll never do that, your too.....uuhh... you believe its called 'soft hearted.' You cant stand seeing a creature suffers.

So, you found the next best thing, which is a lot more dangerous, spying and trying to be with the creatures, said creatures learnt how to fear and hate humans such as yourself, but you try your best to be kind and understanding, givving them time to adjust and understand you mean no harm..

As you walk through the forest, you suddenly hear a small pained whine.... you freeze, trying to listen, there it is! Again!.. slowly, oh so slowly, you get near a bush, moving the leaves and small branches away, you blink when you look down at a flower.... shaking?...

The flower immediatly turns to you and whimpers, you slightly gasp, the flower is round with flower pattels around it, a face at the middle, it weirdly looks like a jack o' lantern's face, carved in, but... the freatures can move freely, and theres.... a small matel sharp peice stuck in its frowning mouth.

Your eye brows furrow in worry as you sattle on your knees, speaking softly as you reach out for the poor guy "hey there little guy.. hey hey.. sssshhhh ssshhh its ok, it ok, dont be afraid.." you delicately get a hold of its tiny face, its frozen, pinkish dots look up at you shakily in fear, you offer a small reassuring smile, your two hands caresses his tiny face and flower pattles in your hands, your fingers slowly travel to his injured mouth,  you focus on the sharp tiny object, moving its face slightly left, then right...

"Ok.... Im going to pull this out... its gonna hurt, but its going to be ok...ok?" You look into its shaky eyes, small leafy vines started to wrap around your thumbs, making it look like his hands, you give a small nod with a soft smile and turn to the small sharp object again, geting a hold of it, the flower flinches, "ok... on the count of 3.....1.......2.....3!" You pull the object away as swiftly and as fast as you can, the flower yelps and bites at your finger, you hiss in pain and slowly move your hand away, your fingers slightly bleading, but the sharp thing is now between your fingers..

You put the sharp lil thing in your small bag, not wanting for this case to happen to another unfortunate being..

The flower trembles with a troubled expression as he looks at your fingers with wide eyes, you smile softly at him and caresses his face with your uninjured hand "hey, hey, its ok buddy, Ill be fine, you were just scared its not your fault." Small vines outstratched and grabed your injured hand, getting a hold of your injured fingers, they slowly wraped around your fingers securely and just.... stayed like that for a couple of moments...

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