sun/moon demonic cryptid x teen reader

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Its late at night... you face your mother with your head diped low... she just wont stop...

Your the oldest sibling... you have to protect your brother and sister.. who now are in their room.. and you once again take the blame for them..

Another slap... another sharp pain.. another flaming red on your cheek... you stumble back, you can hear little gasps from the room.. they lay awake in their beds.. crying..

You warn them.. but their just kids... and kids sometimes do stupid things... you dont blame them.. really... knowing that they might have a better childhood then yours gives you nothing but joy...

So you take the blame... you take the pain.. the shouts... the slaps.. the scars... the blood.. you'll take it all so they wont have to face those fears you had to face every single day..

when you were a kid.. no one was there to pritect you..

Its just another bruise.. you tell yourself.. seeing them smile and laugh and play outside is worth it... its all worth it...

You drop to your knees with another sharp slap.. tears stain your cheeks... the flaeing red already starting to fade to purple.. she keeps shouting.. and you dont dare meet her gaze..

When you were little... no one would bare the consequences but you, if you looked back. you were a feirce child, you didnt let anyone talk you down, and you were proud of it.

But now... when little April and Joseph are in the picture.. you cant bare the thought of them hurting because of you....

April's scar is a reminder of that night you would never forget.. and you swore on your life to never let that happen again... her screams are still marked in your brain... you swear you can hear them at night.. when you see her peacefull and asleep... it echos.. it wont stop..

You lay in your bed,  cheeks burning, your side aches.. theres a few new cuts here and there.. but its fine.. it will heall.. as long as your siblings are ok.. everything will be ok...

Mother have gone asleep hours ago.. you slowly get out of bed.. little whimpers and gasps are heard beneath a little pink blanket.. you slowly step to April's bed and softly call her name as quietly as you can.. taking the covers off of her.. a tear stained face meets yours.. you sit on the end of the bed, opening your arms.. and it does not take long before a little trembling whimpering body is in your arms... clinging to you for dear life..

"April.. sweetie.. its late.. I thought I told you to go to sleep hours ago.." you whisper softly.. brushing your fingers between her h/c locks... she gasps softly, trying to steady her breath from crying, "i-its m-my f-aul-lt! I-if I-I ha-hadn-nt- I-IF I J-Just l-lis-sten-ned t-to y-yo-ou n-non-ne of t-thi-is w-wou-uld h-have happen-ned-" you shush her as you dry her tears with your sleeve.. "no.. no its not your fault.. its never your fault.. you dont need to apolagize for being a kid.. your young April.. its part of childhood to do stupid things sometimes.. and we learn from our mistakes.. its ok.." she hicups and crys into your shoulder.. apologizing over and over again.. you shush her and calm her down.. whispering sweet nothings into her ear untill she sattles.. finally falling limp in your arms..

You sigh.. covering her small body in the pink covers.. going to the small blue bed thats in the corner..  little joseph is sleeping silently.. a pacifier in his mouth.. his only 3 years old.. he shouldnt be fearing of what would happen to his older sibling.. niether does April... you brush his hair out of his eyes.. tightning the blanket around him and giving him a gentle kiss on the forehead.. its going to be ok... you'll take care of them..


The next day you return from work late again... your body is sore.. the house is quiet.. the lights are out...  mother must be asleep.. you pray and hope that she didnt do anything to your little siblings...

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