harpy moon x reader

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You sighed as you finally closed the little caffe, you cluched the cash in your hands and sighed again, leaning against the doors as you sank just a bit, yout fingers shook around the dollar bills, finally got paid after a long..oh so long month of hard work, you shook your head, you still got a lot of work to do before you could finally go home and check on your siblings.. they gone to bed hungry today.. you didnt have enough money to pay for dinner.. and they were as good as always.. not complaining much, and going to bed, your vision gets a bit blurry as pride wells inside of your chest, making your heart flutter in adoration and love, little Sophie is so brave... youll be sure to reward her tomorrow for calming down little joseph and tommy.

You get up on shaky legs, determind to finish your job as soon as posible, now that youve got two jobs, your siblings wont be hungry anymore.. you hope.. slowly going to the closet,  you open the door as it creaks loudly, you pull out a bucket and a mop, your legs feel like jellow and ache, all the walking and serving showing on your tired weak body, you reeked from burnt coffee and Pastries, your hair was a mess, and the growing dark circles under your eyes were darker then ever..

You looked down at your phone.. 12:37AM... alright.. you can handle this! This is fine.. just finish tidying up, cleaning thr floors and tables.. and finish the dishes.. and thats it! You'll be free to go home!..

After one and a half hours of work, you finally finished, you put your aprin in your locker,  grabing your bag and personall things, and of course, the keys to the cafe.. shuting your locker, you did a one over around the small cafe, checking for forgotten items and such, and when you found none, you let out a finall sigh before turning off the lights and heading out, closing the shutters and locking them,  tugging at them to see that their secure, and finally heading home.. to your small small apartment..

You lived in a small town, near to a big forest, you remember yourself as a child running through the trees and and playing in the little ponds.. you lived in this town your whole life.. and you werent planing on leaving either..

Your mom died when you were 4 year old.. you dont remember much of her.. barely a blurr of a face.. you remember her hushed soft voice.. sometimes following you into your dreams...

And dad..... he..... he was a different story..

You dont think you ever saw him with a genuin or caring smile.... he was cruel.. never caring for you, making you suffer..  you were just a kid..it wasnt fair..

Then you grew up.. and the world only got darker when he got that woman into the house.. just as heartless.. cold and cruell.. sometimes.. even worse the him..

But after years of suffering,  just when you turned 12 and thought your world couldnt be worse.. god had mercy on you.. and a light suddenly eneterd your life for the first time.. the woman didnt care for the child she gave birth to.. and your arms were wide open for her...

You remember the first time you held her.. saw her cute little face, held her tiny, tiny hand.. you finally felt something warm flutter inside your chest.. for the first time in forever.. you were happy..

She was so small,  and you did your best by sharing your own food with her.. your rmember nights that you curled on the blanket on the floor, the hunger gnawking it's painfull claws inside of you.. your stomach fliping on and about... and you were looking at your little sister.. smiling to yourself when you saw her peacefull face.. resting.. after a full meall (not full full but eh.)

Then joseph came.. and you thought you could never been happier.. you coukd work at that age.. and you worked hard.. to the bone... to always have food for your little siblings and keep them safe from the cruel unforgiving world..

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