sun and moon x sick reader

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You finally entered the daycare.. you didnt feel so well today.. you woke up feeling like shit.. your nose was stuffy making you sniffle every now and then, your body temperature was a bit higher.. you felt yourself sweat but you felt so cold at the same time.. your mucles ached like you worked them for weeks, you felt sore and tired.. walking wobbly towords the daycare.. you had a massive headach when you woke up too...

And tge fact that the big project was next week didnt help.. you didnt get much sleep this week,  overworking yourself.. well.. thats what the boys told you anyways.. you were living on quick meals and coffee.. you were so stressed all the time too.. what if it wont work? What if the project failed?? Youll be a loser! A failer! Everyone will be so disapointed! Youll lose your job! And worst of all! You wont be able to see your boys again... sun and moon..

They always were such gentle men! Sunny always worried about you, making sure you ate and slept, cheering you up and helping you, always able to bring a smile to your face..

While moon was an ass.. he was sucha a sweetheart after you knew him, beneath those layers of toughness, and cool, he was just as streesed and afraid as sunny! He was so sweet and kind to you...most of the time.. but, even though he likes to pull mean prankes, you still very enjoyed his company, always so relaxed and peacefull, or flirtish and mestivious,

You (loved) liked, you liked thyem very much, your all very close friends!!

A small smile crept on your face as you made your way to the security desk...

Speak of the devil..

"SUNBEAM!" And before you knew it you were scooped up by 2 giant metal hands, sun hugged you tight and you giggled as you huggd him back, "we miiisssed yoouuu~" he said in a sing song voice, making you laugh even more, coughing a little too...

"Hey sunshine!... heh.. cough.. c-can you put me down please?..." sun froze, slowly looking down at you, he gasped, "sunflower! W-what happened? Your tempeture is realy high! And you look very pale!! Are you ok? Are you SICK?!" you giggled as you pushed him Aaway, and he finally let you down on the floor again, you stumbled a bit as you helled you pounding head.. the medicin slowly working theyre affects on you..

"I'm fine! Ya big goofy energy ball! Dont worry about me.. its great to see ya to bud! Its been a while!.." you said with a tired smile,

Sun squinted his eyes at you, crossing his arms.. "sunbeam.." oh no.... here we go...

"Did you eat something today?." He asked with a raised brow and you shifted under his gaze as you looked away.. "o-of course I did! Why do ya ask? H-hey didnt you have something that needs fixing? I need to do my job! So come on!" You tried to change the topic, he squinted his eyes at you suspiciesly as he tiltes hid head, a sweet smile on his faceplate, "oh really now! Its great to hear that you actually listened to me for once~ " he said with a sweet voice and you gulped.. you were a terrible liaer.. "sooo~ what did you eat sunbeam?~" you made your way to the closet while he was talking, going after you, you shrugged.. "I dont know.. dont remember.." you said quietly, pretending to bussy yourself inside the closet..  you heard some clicks and suddenly you were scooped up into his arms again, you squicked in surprise as he smiled down sweetly at you

"Wrroonng answer suuunbbeeamm~" hestarted to walk towards the security desk, ignoring your protests and whines..

Ploping you down on the table, he pinned you to it, placing each of his long matel arms at your sides.. you face flushed a bit as you leaned away from his intense gaze, "you know sunbeam..lying is against the rules~.. only rulebreakers lie~... are you a rulebreaker?~" you chuckled awkwardly "whaa? Pppsshh me? Rulebreaker?..maybe.. OF COURSE NOT! HEHE!" You rubbed the back of your neck, another sniffle escaped you as you felt your burning neck.. you tried to convince yourself that the birning in your cheels were from the fever as well.. ans not from the tone sun used.. or the position he is now.. or the way his looking down at you lik- UGH JUST FUCKING STOP!

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