demon sun x fem reader

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It's a quiet place... especially in the dark, a quiet lil villige.. youve moved out here 3 weeks ago.. it was cheaper and nicer, you have a bigger house that doeant coast too much, you have a job that you like, and most importantly, away from your past life...your past lover..

It started out pretty ok actually, you found this house, and started a cute lil daycare, not all ages, ghe most young, pure, and fregile age..

So, you have a bout 5 to 6 babies a day, from the early hours of the morning to the late afternoon, you love babies, you adore them, their so fregile, tiny, and cute! And the parents are very sagisfied and happy with your care for their little ones, so your happy, their happy, everyones happy! Its a win win!

But... lately.. you had this nagging feeling... it started last week...
You were taking care of little milo, his an adorable little angle, very shy, takes a while for him to trust someone els bedied his parents, you were making his bottol.. when suddenly you heard him... laugh?.. at first you paniced and thought he was choking.. but now, he genuinly smiled and laughed.. it was very strange.. but his parents told you that it was normal for him, and he even likes to bubble and murmer to himself sometimes, which is very cute... but you could swear you acually felt.. someones presents.. aomeone's eyes at your back..

You ignored it, thought it was just you or paranoia.. but it didnt stop there...

You were having trouble getting Sophei to quiet down, she had a little accident at home and was a little grumpy about it all day, she always woke up the others and everyone started crying,  you didnt know what to do, you tried to give them their bottols and pacifiers but nothing helped.. but then... suddenly, one by one, they started to calm down..  you felt someones presents again..and when you turned around you could swear you heard something.. not sure what though...

And it happened.. again... and again.. and again.. it was always when the little ones were here though... but when you were alone.. nothing happened.. so you always thoughy it was just you.. but the tiniest part of you, believed that it was real, and it could see you and whatch you... you were scared.. always checking behind your back, always fearing that someone is after you..

Yesterday though.. yesterday it gave itself away.. you were feeding little jimmy, and placed the bottol on the table to pick him up and calm him down, when the bottol suddenly fell.. like someone pushed it accidantly.. you were sure your eyes didnt desieve you this time, and you took jimmy somewhere else..

And now, looking everywhere around you in suspician, feeling someones presents in the room, with 3 of the little ones, Jimmy, Lily, and Nicolie. Jimmy and Lilly were sleeping peacefully, and you were left tired with Nicolie on your lap, blubbring like theres no tomorrow.. you were espicially tired today though.. because.. someone.. had a lil phone call with you, and you spent the rest of the night crying yourself to sleep.. you were emotionally drained...

Its not your fault.. he makes like it is though.. like its your fault that you cant.. like you chose to be this way.. to be borned this way..

And most of believed it...

You looked down at little nivolie, chewing on his fist, looking at you with big beautifull green emeralds.. eyes wide in curiousity, he blubbers something as he swings his fist up and down in your diraction.. your eyes are feeled with tears as you hug him close..

Is it your fault that you cant give birth?..

You feel like it is.. he always let you feel like that... your fammily never cared.. your friends left you slowly and painfully.. all you wanted was a kid of your own.. all you wanted was to paint yourself a brend new page, with a familly... a loving husbend and chicldren.. you imagined all your pain and sorrow go away.. all that pain suddenly replaced by wonder, joy.. and pureness.. but.. you would never have a chance.. you will never have a kid of your own..

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