Greetings from Hell

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The natural light above shined down and lit up the night. Although screams of terror and murder filled the lovely night, the breeze just make it all the better for the cat. He exhaled the toxic smoke that filled his lungs. Husker wasn't much of a smoker, he preferred his casual alcohol. The sweet bitter taste that he got so used to, although it doesn't give him the spark it used to back then. His everyday dosage of the substance probably has something to do with it. He let the cigarette burn his lungs, the scent filling the air as it fell from his large claws and hit the ground. He would step on it, but it's a different story if you don't wear any shoes. Not wanting it to burn his feet, he just stepped away. His slightly wrinkled clothes blew slightly in the wind, growing chillier as the time went on growing deeper into the night of Hell.

Husker walked down the familiar streets that he has gotten used to ever since his fate of being sent down there, stepping over bodies and bones and whatever filthy shit people leave on the streets. He isn't one to talk about looks, but he knew that this town was absolutely shitty. Passing by sinners having a feast in the middle of the street, the scent of corpses lingered in the air. He did think that cannibal town was mortifying and awful, seeing sinners rip apart a living being, children being eaten, someone screaming as their organs are spilling out while they're very much alive is an awful way to go. Although it is a very gruesome scene, this isn't the first time he's walked down this path.

"Greetings Husker!" He stopped at the bottom of the stairs of the building, greeting his business partner with a small nod of acknowledgment. The radio demon was powerful and feared by many, but Husk had grown a bond with said powerful demon. He isn't that bad of a guy once you look passed all the creepy shit, just an old fashioned classy man. And Husk is very fond of class. Which is probably why the demon had introduced himself to the gambler demon, both having a similar taste in style. The door to the building creaked open, revealing the overlord of cannibal town. Husk bowed down, giving respect to the woman who had just made an appearance. Rosie gave Husk a gentle yet elegant bow as well, lifting up her dress and bending her knees. "Welcome in my dear friend! We have quite a lot to catch up on." Husk nodded at Alastors words, taking the first step up the stairs towards the two.

The door closed behind him as he followed the two overlords down the hall, passing by residents of the town, all with the similar sharp teeth. "So how have things been dearie, still working at that casino?" Husk continued to face forward, hands behind his back as he walked down the same trail as the radio and cannibal demons. He nodded at Rosie's words. "Things have been going smoothly, nothing out of the ordinary at the casino. Although I do think that this place has been getting more.." He trailed off, looking out the window at all the bloodshed and corpses outside. "Dirty." Alastor leaned his head back and chuckled. "Oh, dear Husker. You never were a fan of the actions of these starving sinners. It couldn't have been that long for the fact that me and Rosie here are also cannibals to leave your little mind, could it?" Husk smiled and looked up at the taller two, still walking. "You two know just how to keep yourselves decent." He stopped in front of two large doors. "Decent enough for me not to mind at least."

Rosie giggled as Alastor opened the door and allowed the two to walk in before him. "Oh Husker, always such a charmer! Alastor you could take some tips from him every once in a while." The doors closed behind them and they had taken a seat on the couch. "How have things been here?" The feline asked, earning a hum from Rosie. "Oh you know how it is over here, someone eating someone else's daughter, someone's baby going missing, blah blah blah." Husk smirked. "Is the big famous overlord getting bored of her life?" She took a sip from her cup that had already been made. "I'm grateful for the people here, I think I could just use something a little new, don't ya think so Alastor?" The radio demon placed his staff next to him. "I suppose things have grown a bit boring some could say.." His smile grew wider. "But this is Hell darling and these sinners are perfect for entertainment! I usually just go out and have a little fun myself haha, oh the screams of terror fulfills that empty pit of emptiness quite perfectly." The other two paused.

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