Slow and Steady

664 14 33

The casino doors were open and sinners, overlords, and even some from other rings were entering and exiting throughout the lively night. Many wore elegant gowns and flawless suits, deals were being dealt, gaming machines were being played, and finally, a gambling overlord in the shadows.

Husk was scanning the bottom floor grounds, watching over everybody and going unnoticed. Nobody too important arrived, so Husk didn't need to worry about the other floors this week, and instead he could deal with the bottom floor where all the simpletons were located. Being a cat had its affect on his powers, and one of them being able to make his presence basically invisible. Of course, not actually invisible, but he's able to make sure his presence doesn't bring out that strong feeling to other people while he was in the same room. It was quite easy to sense a powerful beings presence, and that feeling wasn't a very welcoming one. But Husker was one who preferred things to remain anonymous anyways.

"Ah, Nobu."

The short female hummed with her polite smile on her lips, waving the little imp worker farewell. "My my, I hardly see you nowadays Husker!" The feline walked into the bright lighting, now visible to anyone around and gave Nobu a small nod. "It has been quite the week for me. I've been fairly busy with.. Things." Her hand covered her mouth as she let out a small giggle. "So I've heard. I guess the rumors are true!" Husk turned to the shorter female in a stunned state, his face full of shock. "What rumors?"

Husk didn't care about rumors about himself. Ever since he began his journey of making a name of himself there was always rumors about him. And not a word was confirmed to the public. He was never one for big crowds, and preferred that information to remain private. Nobu didn't mind the gossip, but she never mentioned anything up until now. And her little giggle wasn't really helping his thoughts about exactly what they were assuming with what he was busy for. The last thing he needed was an overlord war.

"Don't put too much thought into it Husker! You know the people will always have something to say." Her cheerful tone held venom, but it was nothing out of the ordinary for Husk to hear. Her smile always forced since its only purpose is to hold the memories of her sister. This isn't about her though. She's merely a bystander.

Husk grunted in reply. "Perhaps one day you will introduce me to the fellow that has kept you busy for this long." Nobu said with her back turned to the overlord, already waving him off with her small hand. Husk rolled his eyes. He wasn't looking forward to introducing Angel to any more of his staff, especially after what he did. And Nobu being his most loyal worker, he couldn't imagine how their interaction will go.

Today was another day of sitting in his office with Angel and having a talk through the contract, but this time about his schedule. He knows Angel doesn't want to be locked up in his room more than he needs to, he made it fairly obvious last time they talked. All they need to do is go over his contract and bit more and then Angel will just be another one of his souls in his chain. Just another soul that earns him money.

Angel had other plans.

And a goal to meet.

The spider exhaled a long breath as he sat in the chair he's becoming too familiar with. A lot of the times they met were taken place in this exact location, and as much as he hated it, he was getting used to the office. Used to the single soft cushion that was placed in front of the desk he was used to seeing with organized stacks of paper, used to the bookshelf's that were lined up against the red wallpaper he was used to seeing, used to the suspicious red blank wall , used to the soft carpet, used to Husk.

His anger for him subsided. Val didn't intend on winning Angel back, he came to make sure Angel knew what his task was, to make sure Angel knew that even though his soul belongs to another, his heart remains with him. And Val knows it. When he tells Angel to sit, he sits. When he says to hug, he hugs. When he's told to fuck, he fucks. When he's told to go make him money, he does exactly that. When he's told to go persuade Husk into getting him a meeting with the radio demon and get Alastor to give Angel a radio so that way Vox can update and take over this whole side of the pentagram and give Val and Velvette more power, Angel will do exactly that.

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