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Makenna sat at her desk filling out paperwork, well she was supposed to be filling out paperwork. she was currently zoned out staring out the window in front of her desk.

it overlooked the backyard of the compound.

the lights in her room flickered, and she took that as her cue to turn around. 'hey, you have your hearing aids in?' Steve signed, standing at the door. the brunette shook her head no, and signed 'charging.'

'we have a mission in Lagos. wanna come?' the tall blonde questioned with his hands. 'yeah.' she girl nodded. making Steve smile and sign, 'meet us out at the landing pad in 20?' Makenna nodded, and Steve exited the room.

. . .

in Lagos, Makenna sat next to Wanda at a small coffee shop, as they staked out premise.

"all right, what do you see?" Steve questioned through the coms. "standard beat cops." Wanda replied, quickly glancing around.

"it's a small station." Makenna added, as Wanda drank some of her coffee, "quiet street. it's a good target."

"there's an ATM on the south corner, which means?" Steve quizzed. "cameras." Wanda quickly answered, making sure to keep her head down.

they continued to talk more about cross streets, comprised escape routes, and the guy they were after. Makenna didn't pay much attention, seeing as these were things she already knew.

"it's also bulletproof." Natasha added, as they talked about a car up the street, "which means private security. which means more guns. which means more headaches for somebody. probably us."

"you guys know i can move things with my mind, right?" Wanda questioned sarcastically. "you're not the only one, plus i can teleport too. but looking over your shoulder needs become second nature." Makenna replied, glancing over at Wanda before looking back to the street.

"anybody ever tell you your a little paranoid?" Sam asked, probably from a rooftop somewhere. "maybe one or twice." Makenna grinned, "why did somebody say something?"

"eyes on target, folks." Steve reminded them, "this is the best lead we've had on Rumlow in six months. i don't wanna lose him."

Sam joked some more, and then Steve saw something and asked Sam to tag a garbage truck. after a minute of silence Sam started speaking again.

"that trucks loaded for max weight. and the drivers armed." "it's a battering ram." Natasha stated.

"go now." Steve commanded.

that was all Makenna needed and she was teleported on top of the truck. she crouched down, and watched as they drove some more and finally approached the The Institute for Infectious Diseases.

"shit. guys he's gonna hit the infectious disease institute." the brunette explained over coms. "Kenna get outta there." Steve demanded.

after she watched the driver jump out of the moving vehicle, she didn't need to be told twice. she teleported to Steve and ran by his side. 

once they got close, Steve wrapped his arm around Makenna's waist and jumped into the fight.

when they hit the ground, Makenna pulled out the guns from her thigh holsters and started shooting. she noticed one of the guys down and grabbed his gun.

it was faster and more powerful.

she skillfully took down a handful of guys, on her own. the ones she couldn't shoot were picked up by her mind and tossed out of the way.

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