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"dad." Makenna exclaimed, running up and hugging her father. "hey." he smiled, running his hands through the girls hair. the two stood there, embracing each other for a moment before breaking away. he kissed the girls head and just looked at her.

"i'm so glad your okay." he sniffled. "oh dad." she smiled, wiping her fathers tears. once he let her go, he walked over and hugged Nat. "i'm glad your okay too." he whispered to the girl.

Makenna looked over to the cameras, that were pulled up on the TV in the room. "they're here." she stated, making Nat and Tony break away from each other.

. . .

"Steve." the girl huffed, running over and hugging him. "Ken." he smiled, picking the girl up. "your an idiot." she scolded, hitting his chest when he put her down. "sorry." he shrugged.

she walked over to Sam and gave him the same treatment. "you too." she nodded, "idiot." "i can live with that."  he nodded. the sound of a machine whirling made Makenna's head turn.

it was Bucky.

the girls breath hitched in her throat. he was enclosed in this glass machine. locked in. she'd never met him before, but from the look in his eyes she knew;

he didn't do it.

"what's gonna happen to him?" she heard Steve ask. but for some reason, the girl could not pull her eyes away from the man.

"same thing that ought to happen to you." the man started, Makenna wasn't really sure who he was, but he seemed to be in charge, "psychological evaluation and extradition."

Makenna finally turned to the group and standing next to Steve. "this is Everett Ross, Deputy Task Force Commander." Shannon introduced.

"what about a lawyer?" Steve questioned. "lawyer. that's funny." Everett Ross laughed, "see their weapons are placed in lockup. we'll write you a receipt."

"i better not look out the window and see anybody flying around in that." Sam stated sternly, as they walked past with his suit.

"are you sure it was him?" Makenna asked running up to Shannon. "what?" she asked, turning to the brunette. "Bucky, are you sure it was him? what hard proof do you actually have?" Makenna continued to press the woman.

"are you seriously telling me you don't think that this was him?" Shannon asked, stopping in her tracks and turning to the girl. "yes. i am." the girl nodded. "your delusional." Shannon told her.

"i'm telling you Shannon, i saw it in his eyes. this wasn't him." Makenna whisper-yelled. "maybe you need a psych evaluation too." Shannon mumbled, walking away from the girl.

. . .

"dad." Makenna yelled, storming past the group and to her father. "i gotta go." he said hanging up the phone, "well, hello, darling." he smiled. he could tell the girl was pissed off about something.

"this is bullshit." she stated, slamming the door behind her. the group outside just looked into the glass room while the 22 year old ranted to her father.

"i don't think it was him." Makenna ranted, pulling her vape out of her pocket and taking a hit. "what?" her father questioned. "Barnes. i don't think he did this." she paced, blowing out the vapor.

Rome, Bucky Barnes Where stories live. Discover now