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'Dream A Little Dream Of Me' by Ozzie Nelson and His Orchestra played through Makenna's hearing aids, while she wandered the halls of the compound.

it was one of Bucky's favorite songs.

it had probably been around 3 in the morning. Makenna wasn't sure. between the nightmares and beating herself up about what happened to Peter, sleep wasn't coming easy.

it had been a week since Peter got discharged from the hospital. he had only been there for 5 days.

Makenna had spent every one of those nights at the hospital with him when May couldn't, going over every detail of his initial exam, or wandering the halls of the compound.

in any one of those instances she was awake.

Makenna wasn't sure when the last time she slept was. she had been staying awake off of pure caffeine.

for some reason, her nightmares had gotten worse. she wasn't sure why. the memories of her being kidnapped and tortured played in her head every time she closed her eyes. but, she didn't tell anyone that

the brunette eventually made her way back up to her floor. she quietly went into her room and changed. she put on her purple workout set, and then went down to the training room.

Makenna changed her leg, before making her way out to the track. after a quick stretch, the girl started to run.

and she ran.

and ran.

and ran.

she didn't realize how long she ran for until the sun started to rise. it had to be close to 2 hours. once she finished her last lap, she sat down on the track and watched the rest of sunrise.

. . .

"hey, you're already up." Bucky smiled, as the girl walked into the kitchen. "yeah. i went for a sunrise run." Makenna lied.

"should've woke me. i would've come." Bucky stated, before Makenna kissed his lips. "it was a solo run." Makenna smiled, before brewing her 2nd cup of coffee.

but for some reason the coffee maker wasn't working. "the hell?" Makenna muttered, pressing the button again. nothing. she pressed the brew button again. nothing.

"the fuck." Makenna hissed, as she opened the hand and smashed the top of the coffee maker. "woah." Bucky said, turning to look at the brunette, "what happened?"

"it's not working." Makenna said, hitting the coffee maker again, her patience growing thin. "well, don't hit it." Bucky told her, as he made his way to her side.

Bucky pressed the button again, and the coffee maker started up, "there." "thanks." Makenna mumbled. "you're welcome." Bucky smiled, kissing the girls head.

once her coffee was done, Makenna made her way to the other side of the island, and sat at the barstool in front of Bucky.

"what's the plan for today?" Bucky asked as Alpine waltzed into the kitchen. "not sure." Makenna shrugged, as the white cat jumped up into her lap.

"we could go into the city?" Bucky suggested, as he buttered his toast. "no." Makenna shook her head. "we could go get lunch?" Bucky said. "no." Makenna rolled her eyes.

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