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there was a phone ringing, and i woke Bucky up from his dead sleep. "can never fucking sleep around here." Bucky grumbled, as he looked around for the source of the ringing.

luckily for Makenna she couldn't hear it, so it didn't wake her up, but it was her phone. Bucky untangled himself from the girl, and carefully reached over her and grabbed her phone.

"hello?" he mumbled, not even bothering to look at who was calling. "Makenna?" a scared voice asked. "Peter?" Bucky asked, sitting up and looking at the clock, "it's 2 in the morning, what's wrong?"

"Bucky, i'm in trouble." Peter said, making Bucky jump out of bed. "what do you mean, Peter?" Bucky questioned, as he put on pants.

"i was- i was at a party, with upperclassmen and there was this juice, and i drank it. i don't know what was in it, but i think i'm drunk." Peter explained, with small gasps in between his words.

"what happened, kid?" Bucky asked, as he put on a jacket and grabbed the car keys. "i don't even know how i ended up here." Peter muttered. "where is 'here', Peter?" Bucky questioned, as he quietly left the bedroom.

"i'm... um- i'm not sure. it's really dark. i think i'm in the woods." Peter replied, "do you know where we are?" Peter yelled to whoever was there with him.

"i don't know, Bucky. i'm just... uh... i sent you my location." Peter told the man. Bucky wasn't sure what that meant, but he was gonna figure it out, because Peter needed his help. "okay, kid. i'll be there as soon as i can." Bucky told the teen.

"stay right where you are, okay?" Bucky said, as he got into the elevator. "i don't think i could get up if i wanted. i'm really dizzy." Peter slurred. "okay. just stay put." Bucky stated, wishing the elevator would go just a bit faster.

. . .

Bucky eventually figured out how to work the location Peter sent him, and drove as fast as he could there. when he pulled up he saw a couple of teenagers standing around, a car crashed into a tree, and Peter sitting on the opposite side of the road in the grass.

Bucky parked the car, turned it off, got out, and sprinted over to Peter. "kid." Bucky called, getting Peter's attention and seemingly everyone else's. "Bucky?" Peter questioned.

"yeah, it's me." Bucky nodded, as he approached Peter's side, "are you hurt?" "i'm not sure." Peter slurred, as Bucky crouched down next to him.

"let me see." Bucky said, as he examined Peter. Bucky noticed a gash on the teens forehead, how he winced when Bucky moved his right arm, and how he pulled away when Bucky pressed on his right side, more specifically his ribs.

"okay, can you stand up?" Bucky questioned. "yeah." Peter nodded, and then tried to stand up only to promptly fall right back down on his ass, "okay, no."

"okay." Bucky laughed, standing up and holding out his hands to help Peter up. "am i in trouble?" Peter asked, as he wrapped an arm around Bucky's neck. "no. i'm just glad you called." Bucky told him, as he wrapped his metal arm around the teens waist.

"you promise?" Peter confirmed, as he stumbled to the car. "i promise you are in no trouble with me." Bucky responded, as he opened the passenger door for the kid. "okay. thank you." Peter nodded, as Bucky helped him into the car.

Bucky closed the door, then walked around to the drivers side and got in. he started the car and drove off. "how'd you get to the party?" Bucky asked, as Peter slumped down into the seat.

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