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"okay, Bucky." Makenna whispered, pushing the man off of her lightly. "one more." he smirked, before pulling her back in and kissing her.

"we really have to go get Peter." Makenna laughed, pulling away for air. "fine." Bucky rolled his eyes, "we'll go get the kid."

the two left the compound early, so they could go find an empty parking lot to make out in.

they were like teenagers.

for the last week, Makenna and Bucky had been sneaking around. stealing kisses behind closed doors. hushed chats in the kitchen late at night. any opportunity to get a moment alone together, they took it

"so, you gonna take me out on a date or what?" Makenna questioned, as Bucky drove them to Peter's school. "of course." Bucky scoffed.

"where?" Makenna asked, "turn here." "you'll find out soon enough." Bucky smirked, glancing over at the girl.

"come on, please give me something." Makenna pleaded. "fine." Bucky gave in, taking a moment to think, "Brooklyn. purple dress. pasta." "what does that even mean?" Makenna laughed, just making Bucky smile and shrug.

"through this light?" Bucky asked, pointing at the light in front of him. "yeah. then the schools up on the right." Makenna nodded, as Bucky drove past the light.

after one more right turn, they were pulling into up in front of Peter's school.

due to the dull roar of the car, it attracted the eyes of many of the teens. "it's a Stark car!" someone yelled, making everyone outside crowd around the vehicle.


Makenna forgot the license plate had Stark spelled out in big bold letters. "how do they know it's us? the windows are basically black." Bucky stated, referring to the tint on the windows.

"the license plate. it says Stark on it." Makenna responded, looking out the window hoping to see Peter. the girl pulled her vape out of her pocket, rolled down the window just enough, and hit it.

the brought her lips up the crack in the window and blew it out. the drivers side backdoor opened and Peter got in the car. "okay, go." Peter insisted, throwing his backpack away from him.

"you okay?" Makenna asked, turning in her seat to look at him. "fine. there's just too many people." Peter responded, and watched as Bucky carefully pulled away. afraid to hit any teenagers.

. . .

"is he interrogating him?" Steve asked, walking into the kitchen. he was referring to Peter who was sitting on the couch with Bucky, asking him about a million questions.

"i'm not really sure." Makenna shrugged. "what was the war like?" they heard Peter ask from the living room. "he has a notebook, Makenna." Steve pointed out, and Makenna could now see the red spiral notebook that must've been in the teens lap.

"Peter." Makenna called, making the boy whip his head around, "what are you doing?" "i have to do a book report about a hero from World War ll." Peter explained, getting up off the couch and coming into the kitchen.

"and you didn't choose Steve?" Makenna asked, as she cut fruit for a fruit bowl. "no." Peter shook his head. "why?" Bucky questioned, coming into the kitchen and standing incredibly close to Makenna.

"because, everyone does Mr. Rogers. but, i personally think that even though he was the main hero, he didn't work alone. that Mr. Bucky was an incredibly important part of it all." Peter explained.

"thanks, kid." Bucky nodded, making Peter smile, "what else do you need to know?" Bucky asked, as the two walked back to the couch.

"i think i just got my best friend stolen right out from under me." Steve stated, turning to Makenna. "yeah. you probably did." she nodded.

Rome, Bucky Barnes Where stories live. Discover now