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from her position Makenna could see Cap running to his helicopter, and then her dad shooting it, making it unusable. her dad and Rhodey flew in, and the girl felt physically ill.

truth is she was very split in the matter.

she thought that the Accords were a great idea. but she also thought that everyone they were calling "criminals" didn't deserve the title. she didn't think that Bucky should be locked up for the rest of his life. she certainly didn't think that Sam and Steve should be chained to a desk for the rest of their lives either.

"wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport. don't you think that's weird?" Tony asked Rhodes. "definitely weird." the man agreed.

"hear me out, Tony," Cap started, "that doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this." T'Challa made his grand entrance, jumping into the scene. "Captain." he greeted Steve. "Your Highness." Steve nodded.

"anyway, Ross gave me 36 hours the bring you in. that was 24 hours ago. can you help a brother out?" Tony asked. "you're after the wrong guy." Steve replied.

"your judgment is askew." Tony told the man, "your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday." "and there are five more super soldiers just like him." Steve revealed, "i can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. i can't."

then it was Makenna and Nat's turn

"Steve," Nat called, as the two walked over to him, "you know what's about to happen. do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?"

Steve made eye contact with Makenna. 'i'm sorry.' the girl signed. 'i know.' Steve signed back with a nod.

"all right, i've run out of patience. umderoos!" Tony yelled, and Peter flipped into action. webbing Cap's shield and then this hands. he landed with Cap's shield and then looked up at everyone.

"nice job, kid." Tony congratulated. "thanks. well, i could have stuck the landing a little better, it's just, new suit. it's nothing, Mr. Stark. it's perfect. thank you." Peter rambled.

"yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation." Tony stated. "okay." Peter huffed, "Cap. Captain. big fan. i'm Spider-Man." "yeah, we'll talk about it later, just-" Tony tried to stop the poor kid's rambling

"hey, everyone." Peter waved. "good job. Spider-Man." Makenna smiled, and due to the eyes on the suit she could tell he was smiling too.

"you've been busy." Steve told Tony. "and you've been a complete idiot. dragging in Clint. 'rescuing' Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave, a safe place. i'm trying to keep..." Tony took a deep breath. "i'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart." Tony finished.

"Jaz, get me a view of all heat signatures." Makenna whispered, as the glasses powered up. Makenna looked around and noticed two heat signatures on top of a building. she zoomed in to see Clint and Wanda.

then the girl was gone.

when the 'whooshing' sound of her teleporting appeared behind Wanda and Clint, they immediately turned around. "Clint!" the girl squealed, running up and hugging him. "hey, kid." he smiled, picked the girl up and swinging her around

when he put her down, Makenna ran over to Wanda and hugged her. "hey." Wanda whispered. "i didn't know my dad locked you up in the compound. i was just there and he wouldn't let me go inside." Makenna ranted, pulling back and looking the girl up and down.

"i love you guys." Makenna smiled, before teleporting back to the situation from before.

the area was silent.

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