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the music blared, and the lights flashed different colors. Makenna wore a tight, black dress, that showed off her ass and boobs.

"you look good." Natasha shouted over the music, as her and Makenna danced. "girl, you look good." Makenna threw back the compliment.

"anything yet?" Natasha whispered, as she got closer to the brunette. "nothing, but the bouncers keep making eye contact with me, so they either wanna take us down there or they know something's up." Makenna whispered back.

"you guys find anything yet?" Sam questioned over the coma system. "nothing. Steve?" Bucky responded. "nothing yet. girls?" Steve asked.

"just a couple of peaky bouncers." Makenna rolled her eyes. "they might wanna take us downstairs, but we have no way of knowing." Natasha replied.

the five of them were currently on a mission. it was a drug bust mission, so it should have been simple. except, it seemed to be a lot harder then they originally thought.

there was word that drugs from HYDRA were being sold in some underground dealing. drugs that were supposedly laced with super serum. drugs that were being sold under the club they were currently in.

"just keeping seeing how much information you can get on the floor." Steve instructed, as Makenna exited the dance floor, and walked toward the bar.

"hi." she smiled, at the bartender. "hey, there. can i get you something to drink?" he asked, as passed the guys next to her his drink. "i don't know." Makenna responded, turning to the guy next to her, "do you know anything good?"

"are you a vodka girl?" the man questioned, with a smirk. "absolutely." Makenna exclaimed, like a drunk girl, even though she wasn't drinking, "how'd you know?"

"i just do." he shrugged, "Clay, let's get the pretty girl a vodka martini." if this wasn't for the mission Makenna would have thrown up everywhere. "thank you." Makenna giggled, leaning on the bar, and grabbing his hand.

"you come here often?" he asked, as he looked Makenna up and down, his eyes, of course, stopping at her boobs, "i've never seen you before." "no, this is my first time here, but i like it." Makenna responded, acting ditzy.

"here you are." the bartender smiled, putting down Makenna's drink in front of her. "thank you." Makenna winked, and he just nodded.

Clay, the bartender, was in on all of it. he knew about their mission, and was instructed not to give the girls any alcoholic drinks, so the drink in front of Makenna was just water with olives in it. unfortunately, even though Clay worked at the bar he had no idea of the drug dealings.

she took a sip of the drink, and looked at the man over the rim of the glass. "i'm gonna go to the bathroom." Makenna slurred, as she put her glass back on the bar top. "take your time, beautiful." the man smirked.

"i'll be back." Makenna sung, as she walked away. "Nat?" Makenna questioned, once she was far enough away. "i'm watching your drink." Natasha responded.

Makenna walked into the bathroom, only for the door to be shut and locked behind her. "you're not supposed to be down here." she told the man. "i know, i know. i just can't stand that man flirting with you." Bucky responded.

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