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"Kenna?" as small voice asked, as Makenna unmade the bed for the night. "what's up, cutie?" Makenna smiled, looking down at Ollie. "can i sleepover in your bed, please?" Ollie looked up at Makenna with puppy dog eyes.

"it's a yes from me, but you gotta ask Bucky." Makenna said, and the blonde toddler just grinned. "where is he?" Ollie asked, looking around the room. Makenna just glanced in the bathroom to make sure it was appropriate for a toddler to go in there, before pointing.

Ollie just squealed, before running into the bathroom with her pink blanket in her small arms. Makenna just laughed to herself, as she threw the remaining throw pillows on the floor for the night.

Makenna crawled into bed, dimmed the lights, and turned on Grey's Anatomy. there was conversation coming from the bathroom, then giggling, and then Ollie was soaring through the air and into their bed.

Ollie giggled as she hit the plush bed, and crawled up into Makenna's arms. Bucky smiled at the girls, as he climbed into bed next to them. Alpine jumped onto the foot of the bed and curled up.

"Kenna?" Ollie whispered, looking up at Makenna from her spot in between her cousin and Bucky. "yeah?" Makenna whispered back, bringing her face down to the little blonde's level.

"are you gonna marry him?" the toddler asked in a hushed voice. Makenna just smiled, and looked up at Bucky who was pretending to watch TV with a smile on his face. "you want me too?" Makenna asked, receiving a nod and smile.

"okay. maybe one day." Makenna whispered. "okay. can i be in the weddin'?" the blonde whispered, covering the side of her mouth. "yeah, you can be in the wedding." Makenna smiled with a nod.

"what are we talking about?" Bucky asked, looking over at the two girls. "nothin'." Ollie giggled, pushing Bucky's arm. "oh really?" Bucky asked the toddler. "yeah." Ollie nodded, crossing her arms over her chest.

"how can one little person have so much sass?" Bucky laughed, looking at Makenna who was beaming. "i'm not little." Ollie exclaimed, putting Bucky in his place. "oh sorry." Bucky apologized, making Makenna laugh.

after a little while of them talking, Ollie curled up in the spot between Makenna and Bucky and fell asleep, her pink blanket tucked tightly in her arms, and the comforter covering her up.

"so, you want one of these curled up in our bed in a few years?" Bucky asked, as he ran his hand over the sleeping toddlers back. "yeah." Makenna nodded, "do you?" "yeah." Bucky smiled, looking over at Makenna, who just grinned.

"okay." Makenna huffed. "Makenna, look at me." Bucky instructed, and the girl turned to look at him, "i'm not going anywhere." "i know." Makenna nodded.

"no, i'm not going anywhere, hopefully ever. i'm in this." Bucky stated, "i'm in this until we're old and gray, and sitting on a porch in rocking chairs somewhere. i'm in this for as long as possible."

"i know that's scary. i do. but, you're it. you and everyone here, you're the only family i've got. and, i'm not saying we have to have a baby right now. cause, when it comes down to it, it's your choice."

"i'm just saying eventually. can you do that, Makenna? can you give me eventually?" "eventually?" Makenna asked. "yeah, eventually." Bucky nodded. "yeah, i can do that." Makenna smiled.

. . .

Makenna woke up and rolled over to see Ollie wrapped in Bucky's arms, laying on his chest. Makenna smiled, and took a picture, before putting on her leg and hearing aids.

the girl slowly and quietly crawled out of bed, before walking out of the bedroom. she looked to the kitchen and noticed Steve standing there, a cup of coffee in his hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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