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"what the fuck?" Bucky groaned, squinting his eyes. the mission alarm was blaring through the room. "Kenna, the mission alarm." he said, shaking the girl awake.

he knew that she couldn't hear him, but he still spoke. Makenna's eyes opened, and she looked over to see Bucky holding her hearing aids. she placed them in her ears, and the heard the alarm.

it had been a little over a month since Makenna had fully felt comfortable sleeping without her leg and her hearing aids.

"those bitches." Makenna stated, moving to the edge of the bed to put on her leg. once it was on, she left Bucky in bed, and teleported to the mission bay.

"would you assholes like to let me know why i wasn't woken up for the mission?" Makenna yelled, as she walked closer to everyone loading up. "Makenna." Nat warned, trying to stop the girl.

"no, i'm really curious why no one came to my room and woke me up." Makenna ranted, as she walked closer to Steve and her father. "Makenna it is 4 in the morning. can we talk about this when we get back?" Tony rolled his eyes.

"no, we can't, because i'm not going on this mission, and i want to know why." Makenna yelled at her dad. "you haven't been cleared yet." Steve injected, stepping in front of the girl and her father.

"because of therapy?" Makenna yelled. "Bucky hasn't either. it's one mission, Makenna. it's gonna be fine." Steve told the girl, as he stepped onto the quinjet. "this is bullshit." Makenna exclaimed, as everyone climbed into the jet.

"are those Bucky's clothes?" Steve asked, looking over the girls choice of pajamas. Bucky's shirt. Bucky's boxers/shorts. "no." Makenna lied. "oh, we're talking about this when i get back." Steve scolded, making Makenna just flick him off.

the backdoor of the jet closed, and they took off. "ughhh." Makenna just yelled, as she stomped her feet. she knew she was acting like a toddler who didn't get her way, but honestly, she couldn't care less.

"they left." Bucky stated, as he exited the elevator. "yeah. i know." Makenna rolled her eyes. "come here." Bucky said, making Makenna turn around look at him.

"no. this is bullshit. i'm fine. i've been fine. i don't understand how i'm still not cleared." Makenna ranted, as Bucky walked toward her, "i've been going to therapy. Raynor thinks-"

Bucky's arms were wrapped around the girl, and she immediately stopped. "just calm down. getting worked up about it isn't gonna solve anything." Bucky said, as he ran a hand through the girls hair.

"when did you get so wise?" Makenna laughed, looking up at him. "when you're alive for almost 100 years, you learn a thing or two." he replied, leaning down to kiss the brunettes forehead.

"let's go back to bed." he mumbled, rubbing his eyes. "okay." Makenna nodded, and the couple made their way to the elevator. after the short ride back up to their floor, Makenna and Bucky stumbled into her room.

Makenna took off her leg, and placed it next to the bed. "what they did was shitty." Bucky admitted, as Makenna laid down on him, "but-"
"but?" "but, i think that you do need to be cleared." Bucky stated.

"oh, so now you're siding with them?" Makenna asked, sitting up and looking at Bucky. "no. but, i sleep in here, so don't think i don't notice when you get up in the middle of the night and leave." Bucky stated, sitting up next to the girl.

Makenna just rolled her eyes, and slumped against the headboard. "it's no fair." Makenna whined, as she tipped over and laid her head in Bucky's lap. "i know." Bucky mocked her, running his hands through her long brown hair.

. . .

Makenna must've fallen back asleep, because when she opened her eyes Bucky was gone. the girl put her leg back on, and stumbled out to the kitchen.

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