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"hey." Makenna smiled, as Bucky walked into the kitchen. "hey." he smirked, walking over to her, and wrapping his arms around her waist.

"how'd you sleep?" Makenna asked, feeling him kiss the back of her neck. "good. you?" he mumbled, as he pushed himself up against the girls ass. "good." she giggled.

"y'know what would make this morning better?" Bucky asked, his hands finding their way under Makenna's shirt, and to her bare boobs. "what?" Makenna asked.

"if we went back to bed, and you let me undress you with my teeth." Bucky whispered into the girls ear. "that sounds inciting, but i'm supposed to work out with Sam." Makenna blushed, as she tried to focus on cutting the fruit in front of her, and not her fingers off.

"cancel. i'll make it a workout." Bucky whispered, as he continued to fondle Makenna's boob and kiss the back of her neck. "oh my god." Makenna muttered, dropping the knife onto the counter.

Bucky spun her around and pushed her back up against the counter. "it'll be fun. i'll do that thing you like." he teased, pulling the girl in and kissing her, softly. "i haven't worked out in, like, 3 days." Makenna stated.

"you want me to stay in shape?" the girl asked. "i would still love you if you didn't." Bucky said, kissing the girls jaw. "Bucky." the girl warned. "let me take you back to bed, doll." he continued to tease the brunette.

"no, i have things to do." Makenna grinned, her arms draping around the back of his neck. "yeah, come back to bed and have sex with me. unless, you wanna do it out here. i didn't know you were into that though. although, i wouldn't be opposed." he mumbled against the girls neck.

"Bucky." the girl giggled, before Bucky's lips found hers. they continued to make out, but Makenna's phone started to ring. "i gotta get that." Makenna mumbled against Bucky's lips, trying to reach for her phone.

"let it go to voicemail." he demanded, pulling the girl back in. "what if it's important?" Makenna asked, pulling away. "fine." Bucky rolled his eyes.

Makenna grabbed her phone, and answered, feeling Bucky's lips back on her neck. "hello?" she basically giggled. "hello, is this Makenna Stark?" the voice on the other end asked. "yes, who is this?" Makenna questioned.

"i'm the nurse at Midtown High." she replied, and Makenna pushed Bucky off of her. "oh, is everything alright?" Makenna asked, looking at Bucky's confused face, "it's Peter." she whispered. "is he alright?" Bucky questioned, as Makenna waved her hand at him.

"he's in my office right now, and he's complaining of feeling dizzy and nauseous. he also seems a bit disoriented. i asked him to call someone, but he couldn't seem to find his phone." she explained.

"i asked him who to call, and it took a while for him to give me a number. he also mentioned something about an 'accident', but couldn't explain what happened. he said that you would know."

"yeah. yeah, i do. i'm gonna come pick him up." Makenna said, rushing into her room. "okay. i would also advise you to take him to a doctor." the nurse told Makenna. "i will." Makenna said.

"thank you for calling. i will be there as soon as i can." Makenna told the woman, as she pulled on a pair of jeans. "okay, i will see you soon." the nurse nodded. "bye." Makenna rushed out, before hanging up the phone and throwing it onto her bed.

"what happened?" Bucky asked, as the girl pulled on her shoes. "Peter has something wrong with head, i think." Makenna replied, as she placed one of Bucky's hats on her head.

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