🤝 "Oh hi again!" 👋

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Setting: Liyue harbor, at sunset. Gaming is walking around visiting some people.

Gaming POV

*[He just got done visiting someone else and decides to make his way to the boat dock. Thinking about the strange man from earlier today. Asking himself all sorts of questions. 'Did he not like me?' 'Was I too much?' 'Why did he run away?' Lots of questions in his mind. He takes a deep breath and looks at the dock. Then he see's the guy he was just thinking of. Talking to Zhongli and Beidou. He knew Zhongli but he only knew Beidou from word of mouth. As he was staring he was noticed Zhongli waved him over*

"So you haven't found anything?" *[He hears Zhongli say as he walks over]*

"No sir, its uhm.." *[Freminet tries to think of the word as he looks over and see's Gaming. He still has his scuba mask on so he can't see the face under it. Freminet looks away quickly]*

"I was looking around and your water levels are low, but I can't find out why. I was hoping there was an underground thing that you know of that I can explore? I feel like I could find something out if I could explore underground some." *[Beidou quickly pulls Zhongli to the side to talk to him. Gaming thinks this is his chance to try and talk to him again]*

"Oh hi again!" *[He smiles]* "I was just thinking about you, not in a weird way! I was just" *[He pauses]* "Never mind, so what are you working on? Underground stuff right?"

"Uh yeah" *[Freminet starts. He seems nervous as he picks at his fingers slightly. He takes a deep breath and continues]* "I might have an idea on whats going on. Im not to sure about it, why do you ask?"

*[Gaming wanted to say he was interested im Freminet but he didn't want to scare him more. After all he didn't really understand why he wanted to try and be his friend in the first place]*

"Well I was just listening in, you know there is this underground chasm. Its by all the mines and stuff. It's huge. Most people try to stay away from it though."

*[Freminet nods as Zhongli and Beidou come back over. Beidou starts to speak]*

"Im sure Gaming has told you about the chasm, we would say you could have a look. Although we don't want you going around in there alone. It's just not safe unless you have someone else"

*[Gaming has an idea, before he can even think he blurts out]* "I'll go with him!"

Gaming x FreminetWhere stories live. Discover now