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Setting: Freminets home, Gaming is laying on Freminets bed. He can't sleep

POV Gaming

*['I can't sleep, why did I kiss his cheek? We left like nothing happened but he got more shy.'  He sighs and rolls over in the bed and looks down at Freminet. He admires his calm he looks in his sleep. He gets up out of the bed deciding to get some water. He watches as the water fills and remembers the swim back. It was different. Freminet didn't hold his hand this time and so he had a hard time keeping up.]*

"Ugh.. Why couldn't I of just hugged him? Nope, had to kiss his cheek..." *[He sits on a chair and drinks the water he misses Man Chai, he had to leave him in Liyue because he wasn't feeling good. His family was taking care of him. He laughs to himself knowing Man Chai is being fed well.]*

"That little guy can eat anything..." *[He whispers and laughs suddenly a voice speaks up]*

"You okay..?"

*[Gaming jumps turning around, he sees Freminet standing in the door frame. He seems really tired]*

"Oh! Hey, did I wake you?"

*[Freminet shakes his head]* "I uh, had a nightmare, I woke up and saw you weren't here and got worried.."

*[Gaming nods]* "What was it about? You don't have to say but if you want to talk I wont be sleeping anytime soon."

*[Freminet laughs at his words]* "It was nothing really it was just an old memory before Father got me. It always makes me sad though."

*[Gaming gets worried, not knowing what to do he slowly stands up and walks over to him. He wraps his arms around Freminet and holds him close. He can feel Freminet stiffen, he is about to let go when Freminet decides to accept the hug. Leaning his head onto Gaming shoulder, he closes his eyes and takes some deep breaths. Gaming doesn't let go until Freminet pulls away, he sees him wipe his eyes and turn away and goes back to bed.]*

*[Gaming watches him go and soon follows after, he finds himself feeling a little better, he hopes Freminet is feeling well too. He lays in the bed and thinks about the fun day they had, and thinks about Freminet, he doesn't want to say it but he knows he is in love. He sighs and closes his eyes to Freminets face]*

Here you go you fluff wanters, ik some of yall squeal in a car 🤨 thats right im calling you out.

Gaming x FreminetWhere stories live. Discover now