Family sucks

448 17 35

Setting: Opera Epiclise (I cant spell) Freminet is with his siblings and Father

POV: Freminet

*['I don't want to be here. Why do I have to be here.' Freminet was still confused from the other day when Gaming kissed his cheek. He didn't mind it but he was worried. His heart has started to beat faster when Gaming is around even before he kissed his cheek. He was worried that his heart was having some sort of trouble. After talking to his siblings he learned he had a crush. He didn't want that.]*

"Freminet! Pay attention son" *[Father says catching Freminets attention]*

"S-Sorry what were you saying Father?" *[Freminets been worried since the last time he saw father. They didn't end on good terms]*

"As I was saying with the festival coming up in a few weeks we have people coming from all around Tevat. I heard that the grand prize is something special from Fontaine. I want you three to win it. Including you Freminet. Participating is key with this."

"But Father Freminet hates preforming, trust us we tried before." *[Lyney says shaking his head, Lynette drinks her tea]*

"Freminet will do it with you" *[Father says getting up.]* "I have stuff to attend to please go now." *[Freminet gets up leaving the place quickly even when Lyney calls him. He hates the spotlight. He goes around Fontaine and spots Gaming. Talking with a girl. He is tempted to go over but his heart hurts a little. He shakes his head deciding to go swim. He reaches the beach and looks around]*

*[He sits on a rock and looks at the vast ocean. Even with so much time down there he knows he hasn't seen it all. He is frustrated. He doesn't know whats come over him lately. He likes Gaming, he is jealous of a girl he doesn't even know. He wishes things went back before he met Gaming.]*

*[He shakes his head, no he doesn't, he just wish he didn't like him.]*

"Friendship is so complicated!" *[He whisper yells. He puts his head back onto a tree. He listens to the ocean sounds and slowly falls asleep to it. He dreamed of when he was younger. It was his old home, one he once shared with his mother. He knew this dream well. It was the day she brought home stuff for him to fix.]*

*[He would build them and bring them to life. Making ticking clocks work again. They always disappeared the next day though. His mother would come back with food though. It was always good food. At the time he didn't know why but as he grew older he knew. He knew his building was paying for it. Everyday when the clocks were gone they were sold. He didn't blame his mother for selling them. They were both hungry. In this dream though it was different.]*

*[He kept on fixing clocks. The ticking growing more and more. Until it got so loud, it let him know how much time had passed. Until he ran out of building stuff. Yet his mother still was not home. Ticking now all he can hear he stayed silent. Sitting with all the clocks that tick until his mother came home. Though she never did.]*

*[He woke up in cold sweat, the sun had long ago set. He was breathing hard and he heard his name being called. It was Gaming voice as he ran to Freminet]*

"Fremi! What are you doing out here so late I got worried!" *[Gaming comes over checking on him.]* "You are sweating you ok?"

"I-Im fine! Just uh... Had a dream I was diving in cold water."

*[Gaming shakes his head]* "You're a bad liar, what happened?"

*[Freminet looks away. He knows the dream he had wasn't the way his mother left him. Its how he felt at the place though]*

"Just a bad dream is all..." *[Gaming nods and hugs him. Freminet tenses and then relaxes, hugging him back]*

"Whatever it was its not real.." *[Gaming whispered into his ear as he continued to hug him]*

Gaming x FreminetWhere stories live. Discover now