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Setting: Fontaine, outside the gates, they just arrived

*[Gaming looks around at how big the place is. He hasn't seen machinery this advanced ever. He looks over at Freminet. He has his mask off as he looks around. A smile on his face. Freminet held Gaming hand saying "Don't want you to get lost." Gaming would have held his hand even without an explanation though.]*

*[Freminet pulls him along through the crowd. Gaming takes note of the amazing outfits. Suddenly he stops]*

"Hey Fremi, what the heck is that" *[Gaming asks pointing to a robot guard]*

"It's a robot guard, they help protect the city with the Melusines"

"Melusines?" *[Gaming gets more confused, looking around. He see's short creatures with antennas coming from their head. One walks towards them]*

"Hello!" *[She spots Freminet and gasp]* "Yay! You're back! Lyney and Lynette were starting to get worried! They have to know you're here!" *[She starts to walk off but Freminet grabs her]*

"W-wait don't tell them Im back yet! U-uhm I want to show my... friend around" *[He blushes as he says friend. Gaming smiles at that. Noting he was called friend]*

"Oh!" *[She looks to Gaming.]* "Whats your name?"

"Gaming" *[He extends his hand and they shake hands.]*

"Well then! I shall leave you both alone! Bye you too!" *[She says running off. Freminet starts to put on his mask]*

"Whats wrong? Weird calling me friend?" *[He teases Freminet]*

"Lets just go eat, I want to show you around" *[Still holding hands they walk off to find some food]*

*[Eventually Freminet gets them to a food place. He has Gaming sit down and goes to order. He comes back with water]*

"Here" *[He gives Gaming water then takes off his helmet]*

"So uh, what did you order?" *[Gaming takes a sip of water as he waits for an answer]*

"Poissonchant Pie, it's pretty good." *[He says as their order comes out. Gaming spots it and tries not to gag]*

"I-interesting!" *[He drinks more water, looking at the fish heads sticking out the top of the pie]*

"If you don't like it I can order something else" *[Freminet says while grabbing some of the pie and eating it]*

"I-Ill try it." *[Gaming grabs a piece and takes a bite. He gags and swallows it. Freminet has a grin on his face as he tries not to laugh]*

"Whats so funny?"

"Im surprised you actually ate it." *[He eats the pie]*

"Want something else?"

"Yes please." *[Gaming nods, he is embarrassed but laughs a little]*

Gaming x FreminetWhere stories live. Discover now