The Knave

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Setting: The chasm by the big ass mushroom tree thing I don't know the name. Hope y'all are ready. Also this has a lot of description not so much dialogue

POV Third Person

*[Gaming has a look of terror on his face as he looks at all those Fatui members. He knows that him and Freminet can't fight them alone. He looks towards Freminet and he is gone. Down towards the Fatui Gaming runs after him. As Freminet reaches the Fatui and they see him most run off quickly. Not wanting to know what might happen if they were to hurt him. One didn't run off though. He had a huge hammer and was tall and buff. Gaming was shocked that the Fatui ran away from Freminet]*

"What are you doing down here" *[Freminet says calmly. He has his claymore waiting just in case. His helmet muffling the echo sound around the place]*

"My job, what do you think you can stop me?" *[The fatui person says. His voice is deep.]*

"I don't understand why you didn't run like the rest" *[Freminet says trying to stay calm. Gaming holds himself back but ready to jump into battle at any second]*

"Im not a wimp like them. Im not scared of someone shorter than me" *[He walks over to Freminet towering over him]*

"Like you could do anything" *[He laughs before swinging his hammer. Gaming pulls Freminet back and then the battle starts]*

*[The fatui member swings their hammer again. Gaming ducks and Freminet runs in a different direction. The Fatui swings at Gaming who quickly blocks it. Freminet comes from behind and cuts the Fatui members leg. The Fatui turns around with his hammer quickly. Feeling enraged as he hits Freminet right in his helmet. Freminet gets thrown to the side. His helmet shattered in the right side]*

"Freminet!" *[Gaming yells running over to him. He looks at Freminet closely. Looking to see his head is bleeding some. He looks at the Fatui member who is distracted by the cut he got. Gaming stands up running and jumping down on the Fatui members back. Stabbing his claymore into him. The Fatui member doesn't give up though. Throwing him off his back. Gaming hits the ground hard. No weapon in hand as the Fatui member is about to bring the hammer down]*

"I told you I'd win" *[He laughs. Gaming closes his eyes thinking about Freminet and how the last look he saw of him was him injured and bleeding. The hammer never comes though. He opens his eyes to see the Fatui member dead, the Knave standing over the dead body. He is frozen in fear. He knows he has to do something and looks around. He gets up running over to Freminet and grabbing Freminets weapon holding it up]*

"S-stay away!" *[He yells as the Knave looks at him. Her piercing gaze like a cold shard wedge in him. A look he will never forget]*

"Move out of the way boy." *[She walks to the tip of the claymore. She stands tall and she looks at Gaming]*

"No you won't touch him without getting through me." *[Gaming feels dizzy and needs to sit. He stays up despite being lightheaded. He doesn't know what the Knave wants with Freminet but he won't let her get to him]*

"Let me see my son, boy." *[She says pushing the swords tip away from her. It was an easy push because Gaming was frozen in shock]*

"Y-You can't be he is adopted, and he never said he was in the Fatui. Not to mention the number four was their parent" *[Gaming tries to piece stuff together but is filling more lightheaded]*

"Would you tell someone you were related to me?" *[The Knave laughs. Going over to Freminet to check his condition. The Knave lifts his head up and looks over him. She sighs with relief as she see's he is breathing]*

"Are you okay boy? You seem quite dizzy" *[The Knave looks up just as Gaming hit the ground. Passing out cold]*

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