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This is where they started and are going to rest in this chapter

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This is where they started and are going to rest in this chapter. They are almost to the rest spot but have about an hour to go

Freminet POV

*[Freminet sits down as they take a break to eat. He starts messing with the stuff he found at the treasure hoarders again. He almost finished with his tiny catapult. He looks up at Gaming who is heating up some lunch. They have only known each other for a couple of days and he feels this weird feeling. He hates it and he wants to punch his stomach. He guesses this is what people call 'butterflies in there stomach' He finds its terrible. He doesn't want it. But everytime he looks at Gaming he can't help but feel more. He takes a deep breath and lays on the ground]*

"Hey Freminet I hope you are hungry I made cooked some kabobs." *[Gaming looks over and frowns. He comes over sitting downt next and eats it slowly]*

"You know, I know you don't like talking but you look so sad. Whats wrong? Did I do something wrong? Do you not feel well?" *[He looks down as he sets down the food]* "Talk to me please, I want to be your companion on this trip and its going to be hard if you shut me out" *[He taps on the glass of Freminets scuba mask]*

"I-Im sorry, I just, I don't feel to great right now" *[Freminet says as he sits up grabbing the food]* "This is just all so new and being under ground is weird. I miss my home and my family. I really miss the ocean Gaming.." *[His voice shakes a little as he talks about the ocean. He turns away taking off his mask to eat the kabob]*

*[Gaming sighs, he grabs the map and looks at it]* "How about a dip in the water? There is this pool of water near where we are going to rest" *[He says as Freminet finishes eating quickly. He puts his helmet on and turns around]*

"I guess you want to?" *[Gaming smiles, he puts the map away and gets up reaching out his hand for Freminet. Freminet takes it and gets up. He doesn't want to let go and nor does Gaming. They look down at each others hand before Freminet pulls away walking towards there destination]*

Gaming POV

*[Gaming smiles at the thought that Freminet didn't pull his hand away immediately. He is happy Freminet opened up and decides he knows as much as he will get for now. The butterflies in his own stomach grow bigger as he smiles more catching up with Freminet]*

At there destination

*[Gaming sets there stuff down, he looks up seeing Freminet walking towards the water. He follows him with a smile.]*

"You aren't planning on running away again are you?" *[He asks with a laugh]*

*[Freminet looks back and shakes his head as he dives into the water. He emerges]*

"Thanks for letting us take this detour.... It feels really nice to be in water." *[He dives in again. Gaming watches as he swims around. He goes over setting up a fire to cook some food later. He smiles as he see Freminet emerge from time to time. He laughs when Freminet once splashed him with water.]*

"Sorry! I uhm, Im really sorry.." *[Freminet mumbles getting up. Gaming shakes his head]*

"Get back in that water, I could care less if I got a little wet. As long as you are enjoying yourself I could care less." *[Gaming feels his heart pound as he turns away. He felt if he stared any longer his heart would explode from how hard it was pounding]*

*[Gaming felt that his feelings were growing way to quickly. So he stared at the food cooking and thinking about the recent lantern festival. His mind drifting off.]*

"Gaming? Are you okay? Hello?" *[Freminet waves a hand in front of gaming]*

"Huh? Oh!" *[He looks at the food now on fire. He quickly takes it off the fire and dips it in the water]*

"Oh my god Im so sorry. I just got distracted and-" *[Freminet grabs Gaming's hand inspecting it]*

"You burnt yourself idiot" *[He mumbles pulling him over to his backpack and grabs some gauze tape and wraps Gaming hand up]*

"Oh- I didn't even notice." *[He mumbles looking at his now wrapped hand]*

"It isn't to bad so you got lucky.... Just make sure to keep it clean" *[Freminet mumbles letting go of Gaming hand. He sits down on a rock. His helmet shining in the dim light of the chasm]*

"Thanks" *[Gaming looks up with a smile. He sits back down grabbing some more fowl. Suddenly he feels a hand reach and Freminet pulls Gaming hands away]*

"I can cook today"

Totally didn't get a burst of energy and so yall get this a few days early. Its like 11:50 pm lol. Also I have a feeling yall are going to hate how Freminet ends up showing his face, I have an idea.

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