"This is the chasm?"📉

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Setting: Liyue Wanmin Restaurant , little later though

POV Freminet

*[Freminet doesn't know whats going on, all he heard Gaming say was he would go with him and then it went silent. Now he sits at a dinner with Gaming, Zhongli, and Beidou. Very little talking has happened and he feels out of place. He wants to go back into the ocean and forget about this awkward interaction]*

*[Zhongli speaks up once he finishes eating]* "So Gaming you wanted to accompany Freminet to the chasm correct?"

"Yes sir, uhm I think so at least" *[Gaming mumbles as he eats his food]*

"Then we need to prepare y'all, I shall see fit you both have enough food and other necessities for the take" *[Zhongli speaks firm but he is reluctant to let them go since he knows the danger down there]*

"I-I haven't decided if I wanted to go.." *[Freminet mumbles through his mask. He decided to not eat just to keep his mask on, he will take some back to were he is staying and eat there]*

"Sorry Freminet we didn't listen to you, we just assumed you wanted to. We did ask you to come out here to find the problem with the water. The chasm is dangerous though. You two should sleep on it" *[Beidou says as she takes a drink of her beer. Everyone agrees and heads out]*

*[Freminet heads back to the hotel feeling defeated. He knows he should go but he hasn't been away from Fontaine in so long. He misses his Lyney and Lynette. He takes a deep breath as he enters the motel taking his helmet off. He sits at the tiny table and starts to eat.]*

Setting: Outside of the chasm, morning

*[After a lot of debating Freminet desides to go into the chasm. He doesn't want to show his fear. He looks down into the chasm and notices the very long drop.]*

"Thats the chasm?" *[He whispers, he is starting to regret his choice on accepting this.]*

"Yep! Pretty deep right? Don't worry Im here to protect you" *[Gaming puts a hand on Freminets shoulder as he talks. Joking to try and lighten the mood]*

"I can protect myself" *[Freminet states as he looks up, his mask back on. He shrugs Gaming's hand off and starts walking towards the chasm]*

"H-how did Zhongli say we would go down?" *[He asks sliding down the rocks some. Gaming follows him trying to stay close]*

"We could jump" *[Gaming laughs as he walks over to a elevator]* 
"Kidding, he said to use this" *[He notices Freminets body language is very stiff so he tries to bring the mood up. Freminet and Gaming stand on it as it lowers them down]*

Now we get into the good stuff 🤭.

Gaming x FreminetWhere stories live. Discover now