Think of name

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They have traveled at least a days worth and they are now at the mushroom, or maybe tree I could never figure that out. Anyways!

Third person POV

*[Freminet holds his breath as he looks around. Everything looks like its either dead or dying. He looks at Gaming. Gaming holds his burnt hand close]*

"I heard this place glowed. Now it looks... sad" *[Gaming shakes his head]* "We are almost there right? Freminet?" *[He looks over noticing that Freminet is lost in thought he puts a hand on his shoulder]* "Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah, everything is just so different. Im use to when its underground its very bright and alive. Then again its usually the ocean im at. The ocean looks amazing at night." *[Freminet gets sidetracked not wanting to think about how sad it looks without light]*

"Its just an hour away. Hopefully there it will show why the water is draining" *[Gaming tries to get Freminet back on track by pulling out the map and showing it to him]*

"I hate how easy this journey has been besides that fight at the start." *[Freminet starts as he starts to walk. Freminet feels uneasy. Gaming deep down can't help but agree with Freminet. He knows something bad is bound to happen. Whatever happens he will protect Freminet though]*

"So uhm Freminet. What are you going to do after this? Go back home or stay a little?" *[Gaming hopes he would stay a little, he wants to befriend him. The butterflies in his stomach only grow at that thought]*

"Even though I might hate it I think Ill be staying a few extra days. I have to make sure this is the problem and see if the water levels come back to normal" *[Freminet sighs and walks faster. Wanting to get this over with.]*

"Oh... well maybe we can have dinner some time then? My treat of course" *[Gaming prays he says yes. What he doesn't know is Freminet blushes a deep shade of red under his mask. He freezes at the thought. He has never really thought about his feelings for Gaming, he wont lie he finds him attractive. Is it possible it could be love? He shakes that thought out quickly walking once more]*

"Ill see I can't promise anything" *[He mumbles. Gaming nods. Feeling sad but he doesn't push the matter further. Freminet feels saddened by his own reply. He knows he could of worded that better.]*

*[They walk in silence for a while before Freminet decides to speak]*

"So what do you do when you're not uhm.... Walking in a dark tunnel?" *[Gaming laughs]*

"Wushou dancing, I've done it ever since I was young. I have been in contact with my father more lately. We had a big fight and I left. After the lantern rite and he saw me dance I think he finally understood me. At least a little, I think he still hopes I take over the family business but I'll worry about that another day" *[He starts to talk about how much fun he has with Wushou dancing. His family and his past. Freminet listens, he likes seeing Gaming talk, he isnt much of a talker but he likes to hear other people talk about there own life.]*

"Maybe one day I can watch you dance? It sounds interesting." *[He turns around to see Gaming smiling with a slight blush]*

"That would be awesome! Oh I can't wait!" *[He has a big smile on his face. As they walk a little further. They pause in there tracks as they see the problem. The fatui is there, building a dam to block of tons of water]*

AAAAAAAAAA I did ittttt. I hope y'all are ready for the next one. Tell me your predictions on how Freminet will show his face, im wondering what y'all think will happen. Also if anyone knows how to describe dancing please let me know. I do want to make a future chapter on Gaming showing off his dancing.

Gaming x FreminetWhere stories live. Discover now