The day of the dance

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Setting: Opera Epiclese.

*[ Gaming was smiling as he waited to preform on stage. Freminet, Lyney, and Lynette when on before him and it was now their turn. He watched as the lights slowly dimmed and Lyney came out on stage]*

"Hello ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the show. We appreciate you having us here tonight" *[He has a cheeky smile as he pulled out some cards from a hat. Immediately doing some card tricks as Freminet and Lynette step onto stage. Thats when the show begins. They had an amazing performance. What made him worry was the part were Freminet was in a box of water. Changed to the bottom*]

"And now! My dearest brother shall get out of this here box with magic!" *[Freminet was chained to the bottom, and not one simple chain. At least 5 wrapped all around him. He was sitting at the bottom. Gaming can't believe how calm he looked. It made him worried. 'Was he passed out?'  Suddenly Freminets eyes shot open. Blue eyes starring right at Gaming. Freminet instantly started to struggle. Trying to free himself from the weight of the chains. He didn't seem to be doing well though. Almost like he was panicking. Yun Jin grabs Gaming arm]*

"Is he okay? He doesn't look so good" *[She whispers to Gaming. Gaming didn't know how to answer. Freminet didn't tell him much about what he was doing, just that he would he submerged in water]*

*[Freminet continued to struggle, suddenly the stage lights turn off and back on. He is no longer in the box of water. He had disappeared. Until a light shines on a podium. He was there in his usual outfit.  The crowd starts cheering loudly.]*

After their show

*[It was now Yun jin's and his turn. He started feeling anxious as he grabs his lion mask. Him and Yun Jin had a whole idea and choreographed it well. He was nervous still. Who wouldn't be?]*

Freminet P.O.V

*[He sat in the audience with Lyney and Lynette, he was excited to see Gaming's performance. He had heard a little about it but not enough to know the story behind it. He starts tapping his foot in anticipation. Suddenly the lights dim and the show starts]*

*[Gaming is sitting down, the stage had some fake grass on it. Suddenly Yun Jin comes out, like she is sneaking up on pray. Suddenly the lion head turns and Yun Jin stills. The music has an interesting feeling to it. Right now its tense. Gaming jumps up moving the lions mask slightly back forth. Going up to Yun Jin. Thats when the real show begins. Suddenly Yun Jin goes to stab Gaming, jumping back they start to fight, in dance.  Freminet gasps softly as he watches it. He didn't know Gaming was this good. He was shocked, the dancing between the two reminded him of a play fight between to cats. Gaming was almost taunting Yun Jin, it made him giggle as he watches the show slowly come to an end. The crowd cheering Freminet claps and cheers. Lyney and Lynette look at him confused at his actions but clap and cheer along with him]*

Thats all for this one, I had such a hard time writing this cause I didn't want anything wrong, I didnt wanna disrespect the culture but I needed to upload lol. Sorry if I did it wrong please tell me in the comments

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14 ⏰

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